The UnNoticed Entrepreneur

Could you be the next WebTV wonderwoman like this entrepreneur who runs a consultancy and station whilst holding down a full time job.

• Jim James

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The Mason Wiggins Media Group aka MWMG.TV is an independent on-demand webTV network and is run by Audrey Wiggins, who also runs and holds down a regular job.  They stream, produce, host and design OTT primarily for the IoT. Featuring hot topics, inspiration, faith-based, business, comedy, health and wellness, shopping and entertainment programming.  We talk about how this inspiring woman set up and manages a channel which offers multiple revenue streams, but also opportunities for any company or entrepreneur to go global with a limited budget. If you don't want to set up your own webtv, reach out to Audrey and she can host your show on her platform.

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Audrey Wiggins:

allowed me to have a free expression of my own Web TV show. And then I was able to bring other people with me who has their own content and independent producers to be able to get their word out and whatever their message is, whether it was you know, comedy, or they're just doing talk shows about relationships or business or people.

Jim James:

You'll be the first one to be introduced under The Unnoticed show the others. Yeah, there we go. Okay. So Audrey, Audrey Wiggins, welcome. Thank you for joining me all the way from Cleveland, Ohio today.

Audrey Wiggins:

Yeah, thank you, Jim. It's awesome to be here.

Jim James:

Right. Well, you've joined us on the unnoticed show. But you are noticed a new of someone that's been helping clients to get noticed. And really as an entrepreneur since the age of 15, building content building shows all manner of tremendous social media. So thanks so much for coming in sharing with us today, a little bit about how Web TV works Audrey?

Audrey Wiggins:

Well, Web TV, you just think about taking that box from your living room and putting it inside your your computer. But it's on demand. So if you think about some of your other on demand programs that are out there, the big names and it's the same thing but but it's more much more localized as far as you may be working with small producers or people who just want to get their their content out. But maybe they don't have$100,000 to buy into. What are those other words? Yeah, right, exactly. Not me. So you have the opportunity to have your to have your own network versus years ago, when you have to get a satellite dish and feeds and, and FCC licenses and all those types of things you can you can do it now you can bring others with you. And I can also, you know, so I think that's fantastic.

Jim James:

You have a show on a TV program, with And you are hosting shows twice a week, even though you've actually got a full time job right as a as an administrator. So just take us through the mechanics of the show and, and the platform and who's it for? And why are you doing it?

Audrey Wiggins:

Okay, so for my my two shows, make something happen tvm, the Audrey Wiggins show. So the first one was more it was set up more to promote what other people are doing, like your your show the on notice. So let's grab and actually got an award a local award for that from the university and, and a couple of the local business organizations to to be able to promote other entrepreneurs, politicians up and coming ministers out there promoting the ministry. So it was a mix of a showcase and an infomercial at the same time, because basically, we were showcasing this organization and just like here, that people have the opportunity to plug into them by their website or whatever offer they may have at the end. And then the other show was more like public affairs and authors people doing things or human interest stories. And when I had those, and I thought about us and how these two shows, they need to be on the platform. And sometimes things just starts like a snowball down the hill and just gathers more snow to get this big thing. And you don't even know that's what you have. I didn't even know I had a network. Somebody had to tell me. And then one day, I was looking at reading something about Netflix and looking at the stuff and I'm like, Oh my god, I It was amazing. Yeah. So I started asking other people than have a network. other people came to me and we can come up with my show in your your ami network, or start others out. And these weren't like famous, well known people wait around the world. But nonetheless, because we're on the internet, that they gave all of us an opportunity to be seen around the world with our content.

Jim James:

And this is in a way, the message of the unnoticed show is that technology really democratizes communication, right? It means that regardless of the size of your audience, or even of your message, you can you can have your own distribution, your own network. From a practical point of view, Audrey, you've had the kind of realization that, wow, I've got a network. Does everybody have a network? Is it easy for people to, for example, start streaming from their home? How does that work from a practical point of view?

Audrey Wiggins:

Absolutely, yes. So because all you really need is your computer. And most of these programs nowadays or they work for your mobile devices to sort of they have a tablet or using your actual mobile mobile phone, you're able to upload a set things up a stream, it's I have to have it on my own server. And since I offer domain names and and things like that, I was able to get the server and so set up on my server. So 24 seven then people can log on to And enjoy our content or not enjoy it. But they can make comments. They can share it, they can rate it, they can like it. So similar to some of the other platforms with the bonus, I think with having your own Web TV network is that you don't have the competing content or unwanted ads. But it's monetizable we can have that and right now, I have some placeholder as an affiliate links on here. But the player, we can do pre roll so people can still monetize their own their own content so they can make money from it.

Jim James:

So in the broadcast industry, they have an archiving system and an ingesting system and an auto scheduling software. How do you manage all of that Audrey? Is it fairly easy in terms of almost station automation software?

Audrey Wiggins:

Yeah, it is pretty easy. It's, it's self contained cells, but those those automations are built in so when you say you upload your, your video for that, that day, or for that week, however, you know, often that person is going to gonna strain you can set it to where so it's like you call a fake live, so to speak. So so the contents already recorded when when you put it in, say today is what's day Wednesday. Well, we want the show to air 7pm Eastern Time on Friday, so we can actually schedule it to go live, so to speak, on that day in time. But then after that, of course, is on demand 24/7, all of that is built into the Web TV network and Azzam as Web TV solutions is the the software that I use. So everything is self contained in there, except for the fact that you have to put it on your own server. So you can definitely contact me about that there's a license. Do you have, there's different levels, I bought about one of the top ones so that I could have others that I can have a demo channel. So the ones that I pay for is like 497 US dollars. And then there's there's this lower tier is we can just have your your one channel, you may spend 100 bucks or something like that. So it's depends on what your what your goals are right there. And you can always like anything else you can always upgrade.

Jim James:

It's fantastic. This is something that Audrey you provide yourself, right? So someone wants to set this up, they can come to you and you can just turn key for them in Nice. And then what about the audience, Audrey, because we all know that creating content, whilst difficult is not necessarily the hardest part of any production.

Audrey Wiggins:

That is the hardest part of being creative. That's that's the easy part. That's what we're born to do. I like to use organic way though. People can buy likes or buys people to buy into subscribing their channels. But when you do that of just as a sidebar, they haven't bought into your content, which means when you post something, there's not going to be any comments after that first time, there won't be any likes or shares. So you want to build your traffic organically, and it's going to take time. So you may start out, you know, what, five to 30, folks, yeah. But if you have 30 good people that are listening to your content and sharing it and are really engaged, I think that's that's worth more than 300 or two or 3000. But over time, you definitely will build that. But you have to be consistent, consistent with showing up with your content, knowing who you're trying to attract. So you're always out there promoting, again, ambassadors promote. And that's kind of like a shoestring. But at the same time because we're on the internet, buying ads on the internet is is not that expensive. And if you're doing it on a weekly basis, if you have 30 bucks to spend a week, or we just have five a week, or just have 30 for each show saying you're doing a show every other week, then invest that money in that you get to control like who your audience is, as far as the demographics, who's the best, the best person for this content. And I don't get a little deeper.

Jim James:

That that's what this show is to give people real world examples. Because there's, there's there's a lot of content, which is kind of a general theory, but what I like to try and do is give people actionable advice on the show because they can take it away and use it so that's great. So people would maybe buy our Facebook and have the streaming they stream into Facebook stream into Twitter, or do they go directly to your to your TV station?

Audrey Wiggins:

Right I just promoted directly to the station but I'll use those other social channels to link into to make over to it because there's a subscribing mechanism on you want people to subscribe? We always want subscribers ministry to subscribe where you can set it up as a revenue model where people will spend $1.99 cent a month to access your content you can you can actually do that you're gonna have you're gonna have free coffee. Or you can have a paid chat. Just like regular say cable so they used to have the fight or a different major event. Once you do the pay per view, but everything else is included, so it's just I mean, it's just word of opportunity.

Jim James:

Are you using tools like Patreon, for example, for the earnings? Or does your platform have a built in sort of payment gateway where people can contribute and subscribe the credit card or cryptocurrencies or whatever else people play with now?

Audrey Wiggins:

it is built in it is built in, but that doesn't mean you can't use you know, Patreon, or some other network or gateway like to say it to it to collect donations. Absolutely.

Jim James:

And then also, you mentioned earlier about affiliate links and how people can make money, as you say, from a relatively small but targeted audience.

Audrey Wiggins:

Yes, yes. Because I do work with with entrepreneurs and authors, there's one that I use called designer. So that's one of my affiliate links. And when I put it out there, it was like, I have it on my, my using my newsletters as well. So don't, you can always use your affiliate links everywhere, we just happen to be talking about the Web TV network. But so that's part of my audience, people who are doing ebooks and on writing. So that ended up being a real good, a good affiliate to sign on to, because you can sign on to 1000s of affiliates. But then you have to maintain that this like is that are there really this is really attractive to the audience that I'm working with. So you have to choose on choosing that way. And just remembering to that even though we're business owners, we are consumers. So you may have a small mix of affiliate links in there. That's why Amazon is always a good one because they tell it to different audiences.

Jim James:

Okay, so with Amazon, you can have an Amazon affiliate link, and then what your community can you say that Amazon will send you products and services that are ordered? Is that how that works?

Audrey Wiggins:

Yes, yes.

Jim James:

Presumably, Audrey, this is part of the consultancy that you offer, as well.

Audrey Wiggins:

Yes, absolutely. Yeah. cuz sometimes you have the idea and the creativity, it's like, okay, so I'm gonna get this, I'm gonna make some money with this. Yeah. All right. So then me or my team will work with that person to wrap around and get them, you know, to see the map out, so to speak, the whole picture. So even if it's even if it's a blog, and you want to put affiliate links on there, or you're growing your audience, so no matter what it is, whether it's Web TV, like I said, of the book, or you know, where we have to promote it, we have to promote whatever that is.

Jim James:

So in terms of the trends that you see, Audrey, what about clubhouse? Are there are some technologies that you see that people should be aiming for?

Audrey Wiggins:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's funny, you mentioned clubhouse, because this just seemed to have exploded, I'm like, Okay, let me let me, let me turn off my notifications right now. But, but because of the intimacy, and the newness of clubhouse, I think it's real important for especially your new newbies, and just even established ones because you whatever you're established, you have to speak, you have to maintain where you are, no matter where you are, and grow. So we're all always in a constant state of needing to grow. And to be able to, as far as if you're talking about the unnoticed or getting free information is people are on there. And they're really pouring their heart out as far as how you know how to do this and what used to do that and people. So the audiences are asking questions, and they're getting legitimate answers. So I think that's an awesome thing for technology to plug into as well as to promote what you're doing.

Jim James:

It's really becoming to the digital watercooler isn't these chat rooms and other platforms are going to have clubhouse I have to say I do you think clubhouse is for single people, though, because I'm finding is harder work than just listening to a podcast? Because the podcast is a lot more functional. I, I may be showing my a

Audrey Wiggins:

I'm up there with you.

Jim James:

What do you see though, in terms of sectors that there are opportunities already because we've talked a little about about the technology. But do you see some categories that are growing any sectors that you see particularly buoyant now, either in America or worldwide, which is at a future visioning there?

Audrey Wiggins:

Wow. One area that this kind of hard hit that I serve is the cosmetology or the beauty industry beauty and barbering industry and so they've been, they're still trying to work this where you may have be able to multitask with with clients. Now you have to do this one at a time and then they can't come in the building and so that's the that was definitely kind of hard hit. I was surprised that real estate and and I shouldn't be surprised about insurance but but those areas we're definitely we're booming. But what it did though, was made people made owners who look at the internal operations of the organization, you know what they're doing. So there came opportunities for new websites or Web Designs, I need help with marketing. So how can I be focused a lot of times and it happens to me too, you get so focused in that you forget about your own marketing.

Jim James:

That is to true. Now you manage though to have a consultancy, and also your your Web TV, and a full time job. So if people want to find out about you in the services you provide, what's the best place for them to find you?

Audrey Wiggins:

Um, yes, the best places to go to all together that is to the website there and you'll be able to link off and you don't find me for all the things that I'm doing.

Jim James:

Already. Thanks so much for joining me today. And I'm really admiring how you've managed to build an online TV channel, just through your own ingenuity and resources. So congratulations, and thank you for sharing that. You've been listening to Audrey Wiggins and I on the unnoticed show. And we've been talking about how you can create your own TV station and with your own channels as well, really just using off the shelf software. But if you're like me and not that technically savvy, just look up, Audrey, and let her help you with it all. Alright, hope you're doing well stay safe, and wish you a profitable if not a sustainable business. That's all for the unnoticed show this week.

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