The Relax Into Love Podcast


June 18, 2020 Teal Elisabeth Season 1 Episode 27

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Have you noticed yourself falling into the same dating pattern over and over again?

Maybe the men you date just don’t seem “up to par”, you feel like you’re settling, it feels transactional, or just plain AWKWARD...

If so, I totally get you girl - and you’re not alone. Almost every woman I’ve spoken to has shared with me her own awkward dating past stories, and unfortunately, many have a hard time breaking the cycle, and getting to the place where it just feels EASY & FUN.

And that’s why I want to chat with you today. 

Because I’ve BEEN IN YOUR SHOES BABE - AND- I’ve figured a lot out in that time of 8 years being single.

In fact, because of all those awkward dates, I’ve now honed in on exactly WHAT NOT TO DO, and how to actually create deep connection with almost anyone you meet. And I’m distilling all that for you today’s video.  

You’ll learn:

  • Why your first dates aren’t turning into second dates
  • How I was able to turn my awkward dating cycle into a fun, effortless, and empowered way to date
  • The ONLY METRIC I use to assess a “good date”
  • & What you can do to increase your attraction factor 

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