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Episode 70: Own Your Language to Own Your Life (feat. Kimberly Kesting)

Ryan Sprague Season 1 Episode 70
One of my favorite things about this show is getting to have guests come back on periodically who have been on before. The truth is, all of us are the main character in our own movie & getting to be a part of each guests path & watch their growth is one of the main things that fuels my fire to continue my own journey & to continue the podcast. With that being said, today’s guest is a very dear friend who is an absolute force in the realms of business, language & anything related to logistics. Not only this, but she is the 3rd leg of the tripod that is Enlifted! As many of you know, Enlifted is one of the programs I went through that allowed me to make massive shifts in my life in a very short amount of time. This is because Enlifted is SO much more than just a program, it’s a community, & a damn good one at that. As our guest today & I will be discussing, community is the #1 aspect to shifting your state of being as you truly are the collection of the 5 people you spend the most time with!

This episode was produced at the Mass Music Radio Station in Quincy, Massachusetts.

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