Highly Optimized
My name is Ryan Sprague and throughout this podcast I will be showcasing individuals who are living a life beat to their own drum, sharing their stories, and revealing their valuable information for each one of YOU listeners on how you can effectively take life into your own control, what steps to take to create your own path, and how to maximize your results in manifesting YOUR dreams in this reality.
130 episodes
Episode 130: "It’s not goodbye, it’s see ya later!” (feat. Rachel Varitimos)
Alrighty ladies & gents, we’ve officially reached the final episode in our epic 130 episode season 1 & talk about an absolute banger to go out on with me & my beautiful partner in crime, Rachel Varitimos diving in & getting vuln...

Episode 129: Diving In With The Man Behind The Curtain (feat. Shlomo Bowe)
Well guys, as you will hear in this episode, the first season of the Highly Optimized podcast, which may be the longest running season in existence, is coming to a close. In this episode, I do a deep dive into the last 3 years of my life wit...
Season 1
Episode 129

Episode 128: Goddess Getaway
In todays episode, I have the opportunity to dive in with my beautiful lady, Rachel Varitimos & one of me & Rachel’s dearest friends & Rachel’s business partner, Kimberly Kesting. These two women are doing some amazing work in the w...

Episode 127: The Path To Masculine Mastery & Optimizing Our Health Through Breathwork (feat. Christopher August)
As many of you are aware after listening to this show for some time, my intention for each of these episodes is to bring forth the hero’s journey that we all embark upon in one way or another within our lives. For me, it is the hero’s journey t...

Episode 126: Exploring The Vast Realm Of Sound, Frequencies & How To Optimize Our Lives Through These Modalities (feat. Ian Morris)
I feel it’s safe to say that we are currently living during a very exciting time. With the incredible increase in technology over a very short amount of time that has allowed us to connect with anyone around the world, coupled with the current ...

Episode 125: A Hero’s Journey Into Shamanism, Following Our Hearts & Becoming The Creators Of Our Reality (feat. Hamilton Souther)
I imagine that everyone tuning into this episode can relate to the notion that for many of us, we seemingly have many passions that might not feel as though they are connected, yet as we continue to move through our lives, the connections betwe...

Episode 124: Following Our Hearts, Aligning Our Values & Feeling Grateful (feat: Danny Cola)
When we think about the idea of human optimization, oftentimes we forget that it’s not just by optimizing one aspect of our lives that we reach this type of optimization, but rather it is by integrating many different aspects of our lives under...

Episode 123: Optimizing Our Mindset To Break Free Of Our Chains (feat. Jason Goldberg)
While many of us have grown up believing that money is the most valuable resource, we can see the inaccuracy in that when we realize that the one thing billionaires wish for more of when they are nearing the end of their lives is more time. In ...
Season 1
Episode 123

Episode 122: The Journey Of Listening To Our Hearts & Finding Flow In Our Lives (feat. Nate Baumgardner)
When we think about the incredible journey of life that we are all experiencing within our individual experiences of life right now, one of the main questions I find myself asking constantly is how to keep the totality of my being feeling on to...

Episode 121: Living Life On Our Own Terms & The Path To Finding Fulfillment (feat. Bijou Finney)
I imagine every single person listening to this episode right now can think back to times in which they felt stuck or unsure as of where to go in life. Speaking for myself, the times in which I have felt this way have normally been times in whi...
Season 1
Episode 121

Episode 120: An Expose Into Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy, Enlightenment & Beyond! (feat. Dr. Scott Sherr)
When we take a good hard look at the world today, it’s easy to see that human beings are being challenged heavily by issues such as anxiety, depression, stress & poor health, all of which correlate to global inflammation in the body. This i...
Season 1
Episode 120

Episode 119: Creating A Soul-Life Balance & The Path To Do So (feat. Sam Kabert)
When it comes to the idea of business, I have come to recognize that the people that are truly successful within this realm frame business as a game & an adventure. As such, these individuals find ways to not only keep business fun, but als...
Season 1
Episode 119

Episode 118: Creating An Individualized Approach To Cannabis Consumption (feat. Len May)
For all of you who have been listening to this show for sometime now, you know full well my love & passion for the Cannabis plant. For me, Cannabis was the first teacher in my life that allowed me to question everything I thought I knew abo...

Episode 117: Why It’s NEVER Too Late To Create Your Best Life (feat. Amy Edwards)
When I created this show, I did so with the intention of showcasing the endless opportunities & possibilities available to anyone, regardless of age, gender or location, when they choose to consciously begin arguing for their possibilities,...
Season 1
Episode 117

Episode 116: Finding Our Way Out of Life’s “Shit-u-ations" & Flipping Our Perspective On Them (feat. Nancy Benitez)
If you’ve been in the realm of self development for even a little while, I am sure you’ve heard mention of things such as manifestation & the law of attraction. When I first heard of these things years back, they sounded too good to be true...
Season 1
Episode 116

Episode 115: Following Your Heart, Overcoming Life’s Challenges & Laughing All The Way To The Bank (feat. Jessie Salas)
Something that i feel is universal in our world is the notion that we will all inevitably face challenges within our lives. This being said, what separates the individuals that see those challenges as opportunities from the individuals who allo...
Season 1
Episode 115

Episode 114: Organic Cannabis Cultivation, Korean Natural Farming & Working With Mother Nature (feat. Quinn Caliendo)
Anyone who has been listening to this show for some time now has heard me speak to my love for organic Cannabis & my passion for helping others learn how to cultivate organic Cannabis in order to foster a deeper connection both with the pla...
Season 1
Episode 114

Episode 113: The Path To Finding Your Power Zone & Finding Lasting Fulfillment In Life (feat. Jason Skeesick)
When I think about the concept of life, I like to view it through the lens of a game that, similar to other games, there is rules for. This being said, like with most games, once you learn the rules, you can learn how to “break” them, so to spe...
Season 1
Episode 113

Episode 112: How To Improve Your Movement For A Higher Quality Of Life (feat. Camron Angus)
Within the vast realm of health, let alone the vast realm of fitness, there are SO many different modalities one can employ to ensure they are staying healthy, fit & mobile as they age. A common misnomer that I see society moving out of in ...
Season 1
Episode 112

Episode 111: Finding the Flow in Life (feat. Tyler Le Floch)
When it comes to the idea of masculinity, much of the world is mistakenly confusing what true masculine energy is with the immature, boy centered version of this energy we commonly see running amok in todays world. This is, in a big part, due t...
Season 1
Episode 111

Episode 110: Leaving The Mind, Dropping Into the Heart & Awakening Aphrodite (feat. Amy Fournier)
When I first began Highly Optimized & selected that name for the business, I was imagining much more than simply optimized health & nutrition & was instead imagining a way of living. A way of living in which an individual can feel t...
Season 1
Episode 110

Episode 109: How To Make Every Day The Best Day Of Your Life (feat. Mychal Prieto)
It is said that the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. As someone who has passion oozing out of every fiber of my being, I found myself becoming challenged in taking the big picture of my dreams & goals & solidifying them...
Season 1
Episode 109

Episode 108: The Art of Enjoying Your Life To The Fullest (feat. Miguel Felix)
As I imagine you have all been able to tell at this point, I adore podcasting. For me, life is the most beautiful when I am able to have conversations with like minded individuals who allow me to realize that in our truest sense, we are all muc...
Season 1
Episode 108

Episode 107: Diving Into Belief Systems & the Importance of Adventure (feat. Matt Gallo)
In the modern era, there seems to be an uprising in the subject of leadership & what it means to be & act as a leader. Since the dawn of time, it has been leaders that have been able to not only guide others in how to live a fulfilling ...
Season 1
Episode 107

Episode 106: Healing Ourselves Through High Quality Food (feat. Kathy Davis)
Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates stated to “let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food.” I imagine at the time of him stating that, he truly believed that people would quickly catch on & that would be the end of that story, howeve...
Season 1
Episode 106