Highly Optimized

Episode 73: Meditation for Life Acceleration (feat. Jeff Lester)

October 06, 2021 Ryan Sprague Season 1 Episode 72

Where ever you go in the world, if you choose to look back far enough into the history, you will undoubtedly find sacred rituals & practices. One of the main reasons for this is that our ancestors understood the laws of the universe, the nature of the mind, how to transcend the mind through these daily rituals & practices & why it was important to do so. This being said, one of the main challenges I currently see in the world at large is the undervaluing of things such as meditation, breathwork, energy practices, etc., which ultimately keeps people in lower levels of consciousness whereby they are attracted to low level attractor patterns & vibrations such as anger, needing to be right, addictions, the victim mentality & more. Today’s guest on the show is a returning brother of mine who is an expert in the realms of yoga, meditation & inner work as a whole. As soon as I met him in the Enlifted Coaching system, I could tell he was the poster boy for downregulation & I was immediately excited to get to know him more & learn from him. Over the past year & a half, we’ve had the opportunity to share space in person two times & the presence he embodies has truly helped me re-establish inner work as a top value of mine & reap the benefits of a calmer, more balanced life as a whole.

This episode was produced  at the Mass Music Radio Station in Quincy, Massachusetts.

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