Highly Optimized

Episode 74: Sound Healing & Energy Alchemy (feat. Leah Jackman)

Ryan Sprague Season 1 Episode 74

Throughout my life, I have always resonated as an old soul. To me, being an old soul is not something that is based on being on a higher level than anyone else, as we will all inevitably be old souls at some point, but is rather something that one just feels. For me, one of the biggest challenges to this quest has been understanding this & trying to make sense of it with my logical mind when, in reality, our emotions & states of being are not logical at all, but come from something deeper. Today’s guest on the show is a woman who I have been fortunate enough to share space with in 4d & receive healing from in the form of sound. As nikola Tesla stated, “if you want to understand the universe, think in terms of sound & vibration.” When I first went into a healing session with her, a lot of my feeling of being an “old soul” all of a sudden made “sense.” It wasn’t that I could explain it logically, but something with her approach allowed it to resonate in my being in a way that gave me an immense sense of freedom. Along with being an expert in the realm of sound healing, she also practices other forms of alchemy, is a world class martial artist, a yoga instructor & is someone who I see as a guide in this world, helping others understand themselves & the world around them at a deeper level through embodying faith, just as the high priests & priestesses of the past practiced.

This episode was produced  at the Mass Music Radio Station in Quincy, Massachusetts.

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