Highly Optimized
Highly Optimized
Episode 120: An Expose Into Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy, Enlightenment & Beyond! (feat. Dr. Scott Sherr)
When we take a good hard look at the world today, it’s easy to see that human beings are being challenged heavily by issues such as anxiety, depression, stress & poor health, all of which correlate to global inflammation in the body. This inflammation that we are seeing rise throughout the world today may be common, however, it is not normal & because so many of us are in situations with our careers, global & societal pressures & more that cannot be remediated overnight, it begs the question of what options we have available to assist us with the inflammation present in many of us that is leading to a decreased quality of life overall. Sharing his time & immense wisdom with us on the show today is a gentleman who has made it his life’s work to not only dive into the subject of inflammation relief, but to focus on total human body optimization as a whole. He is a doctor & leading proponent of the benefits associated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for inflammation relief & is the co founder & lead physician at HOMe-SF, which is a company dedicated to providing the necessary outlet for those looking to experience Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy with the expertise & individualized care to do so. In addition, he is also one of the leading voices behind “Troscriptions”, which is a company dedicated to providing the “cheat codes” for those looking to have the direct experience of enlightenment & in todays episode, we will be diving into the subject of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, what it is, what type of individual would benefit from this therapy, what his tips are for overall health & well being, the subject of enlightenment & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(2:25) How Dr Sheer’s journey into becoming a doctor started.
(7:10) Dr Sheer breaking down Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
(19:24) Check out FreedomBuilderz.com!
(21:25) The importance of having a great foundation of health to avoid patterns of dependency.
(32:00) How psychosocial emotions can play into how you physically feel.
(38:45) Join the Highly Optimized Ceremony Circle on Facebook!
(40:05) The importance of checking in daily to fully optimize your health.
(52:40) Experiencing the feeling of enlightenment.
(59:20) Where you can reach Dr Sheer
(1:02:35) Dr Sheer’s final piece of advice for listeners!
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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