Golden Age Radio: Your Source for Improvised Post-War Entertainment  Artwork

Golden Age Radio: Your Source for Improvised Post-War Entertainment

Gather your family around the radio and let us celebrate the holidays together with three completely improvised radio dramas.Golden Age Radio welcomes you into the most famous recording studio of the 1940s, WGAR. In its smoke-filled halls, its expert actors will take you on three different adventures each and every week. Follow Lady Victory into the underbelly of Tower City as she metes out her own brand of justice. Join the Max and Mindy Mason and their family on the bridge of The Daring as they explore the great unknown of space. And waltz your way through intrigue-filled ballrooms of Cobblestone Heights. Thrills, laughter, and the latest in sound effects technology, all live and all for you!

Golden Age Radio: Your Source for Improvised Post-War Entertainment