Bible Study: Parody and Subversion in Matthew's Gospel

Special Episode: Interview with Dr. Sebastien Doane; The Genealogy, The Magi, and Pasolini

December 17, 2020 Bert Newton

(Edited version)

In this special episode, I interview Dr. Sebastien Doane, Professor of Biblical Studies at Laval University, in Quebec City, and author of Zombies, Unicorns, Cannibals; Strange Tales from the Bible (published by Paulist Press). 

We revisit episodes 1 (The Genealogy) and 4 (The Magi) of this podcast series in the light of Dr. Doane's work. Dr Doane reads the Gospel of Matthew through a Carnivalesque lens.

(I had to edit this one because the interview was done on Zoom. Dr. Doane's part came out well, but the sound on my end was really bad, so I re-recorded my parts, made some edits, and shortened the interview. If it doesn't sound that natural or if there are some non-sequiturs, that is because of the editing and rerecording, but overall, I think it is improved, and there are good insights from Professor Doane!)