Bible Study: Parody and Subversion in Matthew's Gospel

Special Episode: The Politics of Translation; an interview with Dr. James Fehr

May 04, 2021 Bert Newton

What gets lost in translation, and why does it get lost? In this interview, we talk with Dr. James Fehr who is doing work on translating New Testament texts in a way that wrestles with the fact that these texts are from a completely different time and culture and that our modern translations have been translated by people with privilege who don't want to offend those in power.

This work is not just academic for Fehr. His love for these texts fuels his passion for justice. His day job, in the German Mennonite Peace Office, currently involves solidarity with immigrants trying to flee war and extreme poverty.

The text of the report that he mentions in the podcast, “Incarcerating the Marginalized: The Fight Against Alleged ›Smugglers‹ on the Greek Hotspot Islands,” can be requested as a PDF or booklet from 

The work of CPT's "Aegean Migrant Solidarity" team can be found on Facebook here: