The Dad Story Project Artwork

The Dad Story Project

If you’re a dad (old or young), have a dad, are married to a dad, or just know a dad, then this is a place to find a few minutes of rest, encouragement, and cheer. This isn’t some “how-to” podcast, filled with bullet points and check boxes—these are just simple stories about growing up. And we all know how profound and powerful a good story can be.The Dad Story Project podcast is based on two simple themes: that we find the greatest fulfillment in the ordinary things of every day, and that the currency of childhood is time: they don't want our money or our stuff, they just want to be with us. Based on storyteller Peter Lewis's 11-year, award-winning newspaper column, these simple, quiet, 7- to 10-minute stories are filled with heartwarming encouragement, poignant life lessons, and cheer. Lewis looks back to his own growing up, and ahead to the childhoods of his son, daughter, and now granddaughters, and pulls out moving vignettes from ordinary life. Introspective, tender, charming and sometimes hysterical, these stories are sure to make you smile. The goal is simple: to encourage fathers, one heart at a time.

The Dad Story Project

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