The Leadership Pod

[019] Psychology of First Impressions: How You Can Control Your First Impression

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 19

How are first impressions formed? How long does it take to form a first impression? What is the psychology behind first impressions? When you know how first impressions are formed, you can control the first impression you give and you can control the first impression other people form about you. 

First impressions are incredibly powerful for emerging leaders. If you can control the first impression you give, you can guide people to form the first impression you want. 

You can get people to form the impression that you’re a confident, authentic leader. You can get people to form the impression that you’re approachable and friendly. Whatever impression you want people to form about you, you have control over it!

In Episode 19, The Psychology of First Impressions: How You Can Control Your First Impression, you will learn:

  • The psychology of how first impressions are formed.
  • Why you don’t get a second chance to form a first impression - or do you?
  • Two interesting & insightful studies on first impressions.
  • How long it takes to form a first impression.
  • What happens in the first 7 seconds of a first impression.
  • The role your appearance, body language and communication play in first impressions.
  • Use your knowledge of first impressions to judge people more fairly in the workplace.

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