Live. Well. Green.

Episode 68: Easy Steps to Sustainable Wellbeing

Kristina Hunter Episode 68

It can be so stressful trying to figure out the best actions to take to live a greener, more eco-conscious life. This is what sustainable wellbeing is all about. It means living better for yourself, your community, and for the planet. So, to help you figure out the best actions to take and get rid of that eco-guilt, I give you simple steps to get there!

In this episode, I deliver the actions that you should take in the areas of:
Reducing Plastic
Taking Action on Climate Change
Protecting Natural Habitat
Building a Resilient Community
Supporting Your Health and Wellness
I show you what to do in each of these five areas to first get a quick win, then how to decide on intermediate and stretch goals to make an impact, no matter how much time you have or where you are at in your life. Whether it is a small act or a big systemic change, I show you how to take the steps to make it happen.

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