Mental Agility for Forensic Scientists

Chance for Change - Amy Jeanguenat

December 13, 2020 Jennifer Dillon Episode 6

In this conversation, Amy and I discuss how our own mindfulness practices have been put to work during this global pandemic. We talk about how the role of reflection and re-evaluation of our life goals have provided a chance for growth and opening up when so many may feel like shutting down.  Amy provides a practical path to create change by getting a clear understanding of our priorities and values so we may then take manageable steps toward fulfilling the goal.  She shares many of her personal practices and how to develop a day-to-day way of mindful living so we can move toward being our best self.  This is a great chance to reflect on 2020 and set ourselves up to move forward in 2021.

Host: Jen Dillon -
Sponsored by: Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists -
Music: Joseph McDade