Stop Drinking and Start Living

Ep. #58 What Is Alcohol Coaching?

November 17, 2020 Mary Wagstaff Season 1 Episode 58

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Today's show is a live mini training about my 5 Simple Shifts to end the confusion around alcohol, drink less and reclaim your power. You can start applying these shifts NOW. I speak to what alcohol coaching is: A sacred container for you to explore who you are in relationship to alcohol. Different than ever before.

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Focus on the life you are moving towards, not the life you are moving away from. End the moderation and deprivation cycle for good when you eliminate your desire to drink.

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You have everything you need right now to find alcohol freedom with The Stop Drinking & Start Living Course. Join 100's of Women who have successfully eliminated alcohol from their lives using The Five Shifts Processes. Click here to learn more and join.

Welcome, welcome. My name is Mary Wagstaff. I am a holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20 year relationship with alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. In this podcast, we will explore my revolutionary approach to getting alcohol out of your way that breaks all the rules, life enhancing tools that make not drinking fun and easy. And the profound and sacred journey that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol, it's time to answer the calling of the woman who is ready to be fully embodied, to stop drinking and start living. The show is not a substitution for rehabilitation, medical treatment or advice. So please talk to a medical professional if your alcohol consumption is at risk to mental physical health. Now on with the show. Hey there, it's Mary Wagstaff. If we haven't met yet, welcome. I am an expert, holistic alcohol coach, and the host of the podcast, stop drinking and start living. And I wanted to talk a little bit about why you are still drinking, even though there's a part of you that doesn't really want to be. And if you're anything like me, there is a ton of confusion happening in your brain and outside in the world, around your habit or your relationship with alcohol, you feel crappy, if you don't drink, you feel crappy if you do drink, but you think it's the only way to kind of live life and you've kind of resolved yourself to that. But I'm here to tell you, I have a revolutionary approach that breaks all of the rules of sobriety, and really dismantles what we know about the habit or an addiction of alcohol. Because you are an independent, powerful woman. You want to live your life in accordance with your values and lifestyles. And the last thing you want to do is have to go out to a social gathering and have people hiding from you or have to declare yourself as something other than just who you are beautifully and uniquely. And that is the best part about my approach. It's amazing. So I use this, I ended a 20 year relationship with alcohol, I have clients that are crushing it. I have a client today, who wrote me a beautiful testimonial and a 44 year relationship with alcohol. And so the best part about this is you don't even have to stop drinking to start the process. If you are alcohol free, but you still feel like you're in deprivation, then this process is also for you too, because our goal is to live a deprivation free life to live a life where we're making choices on our own from a place of empowerment, and really living a life full of joy. And so what happens throughout this process is the desire for alcohol slowly becomes eliminated, while you're showing up for long lasting joy rather than short term pleasure. But again, there's no rules, this is completely based on your terms. So to end the confusion around alcohol and to start to get it out of your way. We just work with five simple shifts. And that's really the framework for everything else you do in your life. Because alcohol has been completely interwoven into your life. So we kind of look at it from all angles. And it's a fascinating process. The first step is the confrontation piece. So you've heard the call of your highest self, that woman inside of you that's like, please, can we just do something about this? So you have to just yourself to no one else? Say yes, I don't know what this is going to look like. But I'm going to start the process, I'm going to confront this, that there is a story about me and alcohol, and there's a lot of stuff interwoven in it. And I need to start bringing that stuff to the light so that I can see what's what's been down there and kind of the pieces that are being covered up and all of the objections. The second step is compassion. So no one has ever created long lasting change by shaming themselves. So we ditch the judgment, and we move from the place of the heart. You can love yourself and still be honest with yourself right so you can confront the story with compassion, shame and guilt is not required in feeling in emotion in in having a habit that is completely normal. Step three is curiosity. So you start to understand the habit of alcohol, just like any other habit. It's been really mislabeled in our culture based on mis education, of what we've known through science, and then also some power over models of society. But alcohol is formed just like any other habit, there is a strong concentrated reward, but you start to really understand in this process, the ways in which you've simply created a habit And the ways in which you dismantle this habit. So you've never become an expert at anything overnight, and it took you 20 3040 years, and there is a groove in your brain that is very deep, that gets you from A to drinking very quickly, it's very efficient. And that's why changing a relationship is hard. Because the brain wants to be efficient, it doesn't not want to try to learn something new. So it kind of pushes out every excuse there is to resist changing that habit. But we do it in a way where you're just looking at it, where you're not really threatening the brain in that way. So there's not as much pain associated with the discomfort of maybe an urge or a trigger. And we also learn how to simply allow the witness through that part of getting curious. The fourth step is commitment. So many people fail going through this process and get so frustrated, because they think it's one and done. Monday morning, I'm never drinking again, Tuesday night, you're hitting the bars or wherever. And it's like, okay, I can't do this. But you have to continue showing up for it. Like I said, this habit wasn't created overnight, and it's not going away overnight. And actually, those parts, when you do drink, we look at every single aspect of that from a brand new perspective. And we get to use that information as solid gold for you and your growth. And this is, like I said, this is like no other program, we actually use the process of drinking as part of the process of dismantling it. And it is amazing to kind of watch it from this brand new perspective and really kind of dissect the why. And, you know, are your objections around alcohol really valid. And then the fifth piece is where I come in, which is your companion. So this process is very isolating, because you're drinking, you don't think you can talk to anyone about it, you feel like no one else has this problem, I'm telling you, there's millions of women who feel the exact same way that you do, that they're not rock bottom, they're completely functioning and normal normally out there in the world. But alcohol is still affecting their life in a way they don't like. And that could just be a groggy morning that could be not showing up for appointments, it could be whatever. But as your companion, this is how you make the commitment because you show up every single week with a very curated, individualized approach for you where you're at based on your circumstances based on your past based on your lifestyle, and I meet you where you're at and give you the tools week by week to respond to exactly where you're at in your specific circumstances. And so you're kind of the driver in the driver's seat, and I come along to tell you where the exits are, and you know, what the attractions are there. And I get to support you, offering yourself compassion from a completely neutral and non judgmental place, because I'm completely detached from the drinking itself. And I'm there to be that supportive, sacred other for you to create the container that feels really, really safe, like you've never felt before, to start to understand and to start to deconstruct this relationship that you have with alcohol. It is a wonderful, wonderful, amazing process. So I would love for you to come over to my website, you can just click the link below Mary Wagstaff coach comm there, you can sign up to get a longer version of these five shifts approach. It's a one hour class, it'll give you tons of information. But you should also sign up for a free alignment session with me where we can really start to pinpoint where your fear of feeling not ready to take this journey stems from. Really kind of start to sue those fears to know that the time that you're ready, is when you make the decision to just start to simply look at it. The results are 100% guaranteed. If you show up to do the work, the only thing that you need to do is to say yes, it's time and then the process unravels on its own. It is wonderful. It is the most humbled, highest honor of my life's work is to be able to guide women through this sacred journey and to create the container for them to walk through the threshold of the next phase of your life, knowing more about who you are feeling confident about being yourself uniquely without needing any alternate. So if you've been confused at all about what alcohol coaching is, that is just it's the opportunity for you to have a space for your brain to download with a witness to hear the things that you really Believe are truths that are really optional stories in our life. And once we start to gain clarity around that, and we simply just show up with the commitment of taking personal responsibility and starting to really be the creators of our reality, the whole world opens up to brand new possibilities. If you have any questions about the process of one on one coaching, I would love for you to send me an email, we can dive deeper also in a live one on one alignment session. I hope you have an amazing day. Thanks so much for being here. If you are loving this podcast and thinking about what it would take to start the process of getting alcohol out of your way, I want to invite you to check out my one on one coaching mentorship. It's your opportunity to apply these tools and a new framework to how you live your life. To get the results you want most to stop drinking without pain, to trust yourself again and honor your future from a place of possibility. It takes the guesswork out of the how it meets you where you are at in this moment. Together we will walk through the threshold of the next phase of your life. Follow the link in the show notes to schedule a time to talk or on my website. Mary Wagstaff coach calm I can't wait to connect