The Career Transition Experts

Ep30: Targeting Your Ideal Companies

Jonathan Flaks Season 1 Episode 30

A successful career transition or job search requires a strong strategy - it's very much like a marketing campaign. The main difference is that you are the product.

One of the foundations of that marketing strategy is having a strong target company list. This practice provides the focus of your strategy - it gives you both the focus you need to stay on track and a "warmer" list of companies to approach and apply to.

In this episode, you'll gain insight and clarity as to how to form and use your targeted company list.

Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss this week's episodes, including a full-length episode with Marty Gilbert!

Marty Gilbert is the Founder, CEO, and Job Search Coach of NSENG (NorthShore Executive Networking Group) in the Chicago area. For over 30 years, Marty was a senior level leader in marketing, sales, and product development for technology firms; for the past decade, he has led 6,500+ leaders and executives through their successful career transitions. You can learn more about Marty and the resources he has to offer at

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If you're interested in applying these insights into your career transition, let's schedule a FREE Vision and Strategy session - click here for more information.