The Career Transition Experts

Ep 40: Serving Others Spices Up Your Career

Jonathan Flaks Season 1 Episode 40

Entrepreneurs build their businesses by serving and offering immense value to others. It's how they expand their network, retain valuable customers, and scale.

However, they're not the only ones that can use this technique.

As a leader within a business, you can also grow and advance your career by approaching it with an entrepreneurial - or "intrepreneurial" - mindset. As Bob Burg shares, if approach your job with the goal of giving immense value to your company, colleagues, and those you lead (as well as your clients or customers), it stands to reason that you will find it much easier to advance in your career.

Be sure to subscribe to The Career Transition Experts so you don't miss our upcoming episodes, including Bob's full interview!

Bob Burg shares how a subtle shift in focus in not only a more uplifting and fulfilling way of conducting business but the most financially profitable way, as well. For 30 years he’s helped companies, sales leaders, and their teams to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses based on Endless Referrals. He is also the co-author of The Go-Giver, which has sold over 950,000 copies. You can learn more about Bob and find his incredible resources at

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If you're interested in applying these insights into your career transition, let's schedule a FREE Vision and Strategy session - click here for more information.