Undercover Leaders Artwork

Undercover Leaders

You see leaders everywhere: heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, sports team captains, platoon commanders, religious heads. But have you ever thought about the hundreds and thousands of leaders that never make the headlines? People who lead every single day of their lives through their deeds and character, but who are they? The kindergarten teacher who buys an extra pencil set for each of her students from her shoestring budget because the school supply falls short. An airline captain who gets pizzas for his passengers because the flight is stranded on the tarmac due to inclement weather. The chances are you and I may even meet these people in our lives but often fail to recognize or acknowledge them because, hey, life is just so busy. In the Undercover Leaders podcast, we will showcase the human beings who do the extraordinary every single day, yet without recognition. We will dig deep into why they do what they do and explore how they stay motivated. Together we will learn from these unsung leaders and perhaps take our own steps towards making the world a better place.

Undercover Leaders