Last 8% Morning

The Mountain & The Storm

Season 3 Episode 7

Are you working on an important project or creative piece and struggling? Finding that you are getting caught in your thoughts? Worried that it won’t work out successfully? Worried it won’t have the impact you think it can have? 

Is it getting you down? Affecting your confidence and your courage?

Today, we are going to look at that way to think about that VOH so it has less of hold on us and so we can live more at ease and create the life we desire.

Let’s Walk!

“In practicing meditation, we’re not trying to live up to some kind of ideal—quite the opposite. We’re just being with our experience, whatever it is.”
Pema Chodron

“When we become more insightful and compassionate about how we ourselves get hooked, we spontaneously feel more tenderness for the human race. Knowing our own confusion, we’re more willing and able to get our hands dirty and try to alleviate the confusion of others."
Pema Chodron

If you're new to the Last 8% Morning, over the course of 15 minutes we integrate movement, mindfulness, and mental training exercises. Why? So we can build the skills necessary to be our best in our more difficult moments, what we call the Last 8%. What are these skills? These are skills of emotional intelligence. Why? We do this because it is emotion that gets in our way.

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As always, the work continues:
This is a great article that details the "75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice."
Reading List:
Desmond Cole, The Skin We're In
Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives

Ibram X Kendi's book, How to Be Anti-Racist
Music by @nop on CC Mixter,