Last 8% Morning

Why Is This Happening For Me? Why Meaning Matters

Season 3 Episode 11

We are In the middle of yet another wave of Covid affecting North America, Europe and the world, and it is clear that we are in for a challenging spring and it feels frustrating because, haven’t we been here before?

In today’s episode, what do we when we feel disheartened? What tools can use to manage the hardship and pain we are experiencing?
Let's walk!

"I am a more sensitive person, a more effective pastor, a more sympathetic counselor because of Aaron’s life and death than I would ever have been without it. And I would give up all of those gains in a second if I could have my son back. If I could choose, I would forgo all of the spiritual growth and depth which has come my way because of our experiences. . . . But I cannot choose."
Rabbi Harold Kushner

"In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning."
Viktor Frankl

"Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out."
Vaclav Havel