Veterans Corner Radio
Veterans Corner Radio focuses on what those who have served in the military, and their families need to know to maximize the services and benefits due to them. No matter if you are currently serving or got out 50 years ago, this program will give you answers to questions you didn’t even know you should be asking. Among those who have been and will be sharing their knowledge are those from the Department of Defense (DOD), Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, National Cemetery Administration, members of Congress (both House and Senate), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American Legion, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), Military Order of World Wars (MOWW), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Vietnam Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), just to name a few.You will learn, among many other things, how to use the VA claim process, the services offered by the James A Haley VA Hospital that your local VA hospital may also offer and how to make use of them, and how to access educational benefits and home loans. What you have just read is the tip of the iceberg; there is so much more captured in the shows already posted and those yet to come. Each show is roughly a 15-minute investment in your future and that of your family. Start now to gain the knowledge that will serve you and your family, just as you served your country. We are not a part of any governmental organization.
Veterans Corner Radio
Mental health is taking a beating during this time of Coronavirus isolation. Listen in to learn what you can do to prevent an explosion.
Troy Howell. MD, heads up the Suicide Prevention efforts in the Psychiatric Dept of the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital.
Dr. Howell works every day to stop suicides in our veteran population. I asked him to concentrate on the mental health effects of living with the Corona Virus not only on our vets but also on their families. Even with all of the resources being directed toward the pandemic, the psychiatric department at Haley has risen to meet the problem and you will find the ideas he presents very interesting and useful in this time of stress.
Our library of shows can be found at www.veteranscornerradio.com
Join us on Facebook at the page Veterans Corner Radio
You can contact our host William (Bill) Hodges at bill@billhodges.com