All Things Mental Health

Self Care with BEAT

All Things Mental Health Season 1 Episode 8

(CW: eating disorders) This week we chat to Issy Tee and Lydia Jones about the work they are doing for BEAT, the UK's eating disorder charity. Issy, a young ambassador for BEAT, discusses the different ways the charity support those with eating disorders, as well as how they look out for those who are supporting others with eating disorders too. Lydia, the former vice president of the BEAT Society at York, tells us all about the great activities they have been running, offering a variety of fun sessions, as well as a platform to build friendships. The pair chat about the importance of breaking the taboo around eating disorders through stressing how its a facet of mental illness. They also discuss what they do day-to-day for their own self care, such as exercising and gratitude journals, which are tips and tricks that they have also shared with each other. 

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