Bubbles & Bullshit

Adventures of Scary, Bad Dates & If They Wanted To, They Would

October 27, 2021 Season 2 Episode 35

Newsflash: If someone wants to hang out with you, they will.  If you continuously ask someone...a friend, potential lover even a family member if they want to get together and it still hasn't happened that means they aren't prioritizing you in their life.  The That's What We Said Podcast hosts remind their listeners that everyone has the same amount of time in the day, and every individual has the ability to chose how they use those 24 hours.  From relationships and friendships to working out and advancing professionally, if you wanted to....YOU WOULD. 

Before diving into this week's topic, Nicole provides a quick update on her recent date and its not pretty.  She provides her listeners with some easy tips that helped guide her from a date that went from really bad to potentially worse. Luckily, she's safe and sound but it wasn't without some  help from complete strangers.