SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 189: Tips for coming back to yourself when your mind wanders on the mat

January 11, 2023 Erica Episode 189

Focus. It can be tricky, right? One minute you're noticing how your body is moving and the sensation of your breath, next minute you're writing a grocery list and replaying the argument you had yesterday.

So what do you do when your mind wanders on the mat? How do you come back to yourself in these moments. And, perhaps more importantly, how do you do it with kindness and compassion?

That's what we're diving into today in this episode of SelfKind with Erica Webb (that's me!).  In this episode you'll hear:

  • Why a wandering mind isn't a YOU problem (let's normalise human brain things!)
  • Why you may want to give the distraction some time to 'show you what it's got'
  • How to come back to the moment with or without focusing on physical sensation
  • How to offer yourself kindness and compassion in the midst of distraction
  • The role of curiosity.

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