SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 207: Self Care: Performative or Transformative?

Erica Episode 207

Self care is self care, right? Well ... no.
It's very easy for self-care to become a 'tick the box' exercise that feels a lot like going through the motions, without any real impact on how you feel. So what's the difference and what makes the difference?

That's what I'm talking about in this episode of SelfKind with Erica Webb (that's me!).

I'm also sharing with you the two ways you can work with me and diving into depth about the brand new SelfKind Hub PLUS membership options which I'm really excited about!

Mentioned in the episode:
SelfKind Hub and SelfKind Hub PLUS details and application can be found here:

Share your thoughts with me over on Instagram or via my website.
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Curious about working together? Find all the details here.