SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 88: Your Tension is a Security Blanket.

Episode 88

If I told you your tension was keeping you safe, what would you say? I'm guessing you'd be confused, because tension is just a royal pain in the body, right? But the truth is that your tension is a bit like a security blanket - it's providing a sense of stability and safety for your body.

This is what we're talking about in today's episode. We cover:
- why tension acts like a security blanket
- why it's important to work WITH the nervous system when trying to shift persistent tension
- why building stability into the system that is your body is important in creating a reality where those tense muscles actually feel capable of letting go, and
- my upcoming free workshop about Somatics and how it can help you to shift persistent tension.

Sign up for the free workshop Somatics: The missing piece of the persistent tension puzzle? here:

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