SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 91: Disentangling from the forest of shoulds.

Episode 91

I don't know about you, but I've definitely SHOULD myself a lot in my life. I've used should as coercion to get on my yoga mat (amongst many other and varied things) and what I've come to realise is that should always makes me feel guilty. It's a terrible motivator because it comes from a mal-aligned place.

Annnnd ... so often, our shoulds are BORROWED. Somewhere along the line we internalised movement related shoulds like:
> I should sweat for my workout to be worth it
> I should only do yoga if its going to take an hour
> I should run/do HIIT/do pilates/[insert whatever here]

But who said?

If you're ready to disentangle yourself form this forest of shoulds, tune in to today's episode of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast. I'm talking about all of the above as well as HOW we can disentangle ourselves from shoulding out our days.

Tune in to hear more, then come share your thoughts with me!

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