SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 94: Do you trust yourself to 'listen to your body'?

Episode 94

We've all heard the common yoga class phrase 'listen to your body'. But what does it mean? And is our real issue that we don't know how to listen or that we don't trust what we hear?

Hm ... a big question, yeah? Well, get ready for questions because in today's episode we're going to ask a lot of them. This is an episode to get you thinking about these ideas and, while I don't have any hard and fast answers for you to this question, I have got some tips to help you develop more self-trust. So tune in to find out more!

We're also celebrating the ONE YEAR anniversary of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast! Say what?! This past year, while tricky and crazy on so many levels, has been filled with amazing conversations and for that I am incredibly grateful.

I have interviews with some amazing humans. If you've missed some, take the opportunity to trawl back through the archives. There's gold to be found there!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic of trust and listening to your body. Come find me over on Instagram, Facebook and on my website

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