SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 100: Lessons from 100 AND some things you might not know

Episode 100

Um, can you believe it? We're at episode ONE HUNDRED of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast! That's bonkers-bananas!

I ummed and ahhed about how to mark the occasion. I asked my Insta-crew what I should do. The most common suggestion was a 'get to know Erica' episode. I felt weird about that, so I've melded a bit of 'get to know you' with 5 (transferrable) lessons learned from 100 episodes of podcasting.

In this episode I share:

> Why jumping in is often a wise move
> The importance of commitment over motivation
> The important distinction between commitment and punishment and why it's important to know when to change gears
> The role of joy
> Why 'Just keep going' is so valuable

As well as 5 things you might not know about me. Things that influence my WHY and HOW around teaching movement and self kindness. They include:

> Why I've always been willing to take a different path
> The role of words and dreams
> My personal experience with self-kindness (it didn't start from self-love)
> How 'not fitting in' supported me to carve my own path
> The traditional yoga practices I don't teach or practice myself.

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