SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 101: How aspiring to selflessness is getting in your way

Erica Episode 101

Selflessness. Is it something you aspire to? 

It's certainly something we, as a society, have put on a pedestal as something to aspire to. But is there a chance it's actually getting in our way and holding us back? You bet. 

I've got a fire under me about this one because in one breath we're told to be selfless and in the next we're told to look after ourselves. How?

So, in this episode of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast we're talking about:

> how this supposed 'virtue' stops us before we even begin when it comes to self-care and self-kindness

> how selflessness is standing between you and feeling good

> how to use your yoga and movement practice to explore stepping out of this paradigm

> why I'm inviting you (and I) to stop contributing to the narrative that to be selfless is to be praised.

Tune in and then come share your thoughts with me! I'd love to hear them.

You can find me at my website, on Instagram and Facebook.

Mentioned in the episode:

Movement as Self-Kindness: A Workshop
Saturday 5th June 2021 in Blackburn, Melbourne (Australia).
Click here for more details and to book.

Share your thoughts with me over on Instagram or via my website.
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Curious about working together? Find all the details here.