SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 111: How to move through resistance with kindness

July 28, 2021 Erica Episode 111

Resistance. You know that feeling, right? You decided that you want to do more yoga/meditation/walking/whatever and you feel great and motivated ... until you don't. All of a sudden you're like 'I don't feel like it' or 'I don't want to' or 'I have no time'. Resistance. Ooof.

Moving through resistance can be one of the kindest things you can do for yourself but - and it's a big but - the way you move through it matters. Will you move through with kindness or as an act of punishment?

In today's episode of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast I'm sharing with you how moving through resistance in a punishing way might look and feel and how you can, instead, do so with kindness.

Tune in to hear more!

Then come find me and share your thoughts. You'll find me on my website, Instagram and Facebook.

Want to know more about me and how I help people move well? You can find that information right here and read more about how we can work together 1-1 here.

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