SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 113: Intuitive Eating and Anti-Diet Dietetics with Kelsey Weight

August 11, 2021 Erica Episode 113

In today's episode of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast I'm chatting with Kelsey Weight - an accredited dietitian who helps people heal their relationship with food using intuitive eating and non-diet approaches to health and wellbeing.

In our conversation we talk about:

> what it means to heal our relationship with food with intuitive eating and non-diet dietetics

> why we're so embedded in a 'food police', diet culture 'norm' of diet rules and restrictions

> why food has no attached morality (and therefore why you're not good or bad for eating or not eating certain foods)

> The difference between restriction/punishment versus focusing on how we feel and how we look after our body and self

> The process of unlearning the messages diet culture has embedded

> The importance of satisfaction and joy when it comes to food

> and more.

Tune in to listen to our full conversation!

Connect with Kelsey:
You can find Kelsey via Instagram and her website.

About Kelsey:
Kelsey is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who currently works in private practice, offering one-on-one consultations, and teaches in the tertiary education setting. Kelsey is compassionate and approachable with a genuine love of working with women to optimise their health and wellbeing, free of diet cultures rules and restriction.

Like most nutrition professionals, Kelsey loves food- cooking it, eating it, growing it, talking about it! Her food philosophy is simple; to listen to her body and feed it what it needs. Kelsey endeavours to create a space for women that allows them to learn the skills to tune
in to their incredible bodies and do the same.

Kelsey is skilled in working with digestive health issues, as well as helping women heal their relationship with food using intuitive eating and non-diet approaches to health and wellbeing.

Books Kelsey recommends:

Intuitive Eating

Unapologetic Eating


Just Eat It

Connect with Erica via her website, Instagram and Facebook.

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