SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 122: Need some low back love?

Erica Episode 122

Low back pain/tension/discomfort. Ever been there? Maybe you're there now?

This is something clients come to me with all the time. And there are a few things I think are missing in the conversation around what movement can (and dare I say should) look like in the face of low back tension.

Today we're diving into one element of this - specifically the need for 'safety'. What do I actually mean by safety? It's not a back brace or anything like that, but rather takes into account the obvious and not so obvious ways we limit our movement when we're trying to 'protect' our low back.

Want to dive more deeply into this with me? Come along to my Low Back Love Workshop on Thursday 4th November 2021 @ 11am AEDT.  Over 90 minutes we'll live deep into the low back love you might be missing when it comes to using 'movement as medicine'. Link to more information and to book your place here.

Questions? Thoughts? Just wanna say hi? Come over and find me on my website, Instagram and Facebook.

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