SelfKind with Erica Webb

Ep 124: When you feel like you're failing.

Erica Episode 124

Friend, I totally understand that feeling that tugs at you, suggesting you're failing. Maybe you feel like you're failing because you can't seem to stay consistent with a movement practice. Maybe you feel like you're failing because you ARE being consistent but you still don't feel the way you want to feel. Maybe you feel like you're failing because you feel like you've slipped backwards in recent times and feel as though you're starting all over again.

If so, then today's episode of The Movement and Mindfulness Podcast is for you.

Full disclosure: I'm in a period of my life where I feel this way more often than I care to admit. And so as I share with you how I'm navigating this, I hope it helps you too. Because we're not failing, we're living. Life can be complex and messy and confusing. But that still doesn't mean that you're failing.

Tune in for the full episode then come share your thoughts with me. You'll find me via my website and over on Instagram and Facebook.

Want to join me for the Low Back Love workshop coming up on Thursday 4th November 2021? Head here for all the details and to book your place

Share your thoughts with me over on Instagram or via my website.
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