Conversation 4 Exploration. Laura Lee Show, Cuyamungue Institute

Arthurian Tradition and Shamanism: Healing the Fragmented Soul - John Matthews

Laura Lee & Paul Robear Season 3 Episode 104

From The spirituality of Avalon to shamanic approach and healing the soul and connectons to the Arthurian lengends, Celtic Shamanism derives from the native traditions of North-West Europe. The shamanic contribution of the Celts shares common elements with American, Australian and Siberian teachings, however it derives entirely from Celtic source material. 

World-renowned Arthurian expert John Matthews offers a new and powerful way of using the Grail stories to help come to terms with our own experience of the wounded soul, whether the hurt has occurred through childhood, painful relationships, bereavement, accident or loss of faith.

John Matthews has been involved in study of the mysteries of Britain including the Arthurian Legends and the Grail Myth for almost fifty years.

From the Archives: This live interview was recorded on December 6,  1997 on the nationally syndicated radio program, hosted by Laura Lee . See more at

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  • Laura Lee, Laura Lee Show, Conversation4Exploration. Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue Institute