Conversation 4 Exploration. Laura Lee Show, Cuyamungue Institute

Western MD & Indigenous Healing - David Cumes, M.D.

Season 3 Episode 112

Imagine a world where you could just up and dance your sickness away. This is what The San Bushmen of the Kalahari of Southern Africa do. Theirs is one of the oldest surviving lineages and cultures, and we can ask if theirs represents the oldest healing traditions, the earliest worldviews. David Cumes, a Western trained surgeon born in South Africa, reclaimed those roots when he attended the San's healing dances, was initiated by the Zulua as a sangoma shaman and, as wilderness guide, and led healing journeys through Peru, Africa, and the Sinai. What healing energy flows through the dancer? What can “throwing the bones” tell the diviner for his diagnosis? What role does ritual play in activating the life force? In bridging these two worlds for healing, we expand our ability to embrace a changing world.

From the Archives: This live interview was recorded on February 4,  2002 on the nationally syndicated radio program, hosted by Laura Lee . See more at

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  • Laura Lee, Laura Lee Show, Conversation4Exploration. Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue Institute