Conversation 4 Exploration. Laura Lee Show, Cuyamungue Institute

Sacred Sisters: The Source of Ritual - Margie Abbott, Margaret O'Rourke

Laura Lee & Paul Robear Season 3 Episode 113

Laura Lee & Brian Tucker co-host this conversation with two Catholic Nuns: Margie Abbott, author of Cosmic Sparks, and Margaret O’Rourke, author of A Harvest of Memories. Stepping beyond their order to find new ways to express and embody spirituality, both vowed religious women reflect on the common Source inspiring spontaneous rituals and embodied spirituality, the gifts of Nature and life within a religious order. How might more women reclaim their power and find their voices in today's world?  What role can Ecstatic Trance Ritual Body Postures play in deepening our personal practice? 

"We are finding new ways of expressing spirituality, learning to listen to the body which we have not appreciated before."    Sr. Margaret O'Rourke

"We come from Earth and unto Earth we shall return. The source of rituals is about realizing that Earth is sacred once and for all."   Sr. Margie Abbott

Sister Margie Abbott is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG). She has been offering retreats in Eco Spirituality since 1990. Margie’s qualifications in education, spirituality, theology, and counseling, as well as psychodrama, create a foundation for spontaneity and creativity. Her books include Cosmic Sparks: Igniting A Re-Enchantment with the Sacred .

Sister Margaret O’Rourke is a long-time member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (begun in 1650 France by six illiterate women with the help of a Bishop and a young Jesuit priest). Sister Margaret spent many years with her mission work among remote villages in Chile. Margaret is author of  A Harvest of Memories

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  • Laura Lee, Laura Lee Show, Conversation4Exploration. Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue Institute