Tracking Yes: A Guide to Everyday Magic - with Liz Wiltzen, PCC

Declutter Your Soul with Peggy Fitzsimmons, PhD: Part 2

Liz Wiltzen and Peggy Fitzsimmons, Ph.D. Episode 6

In Part 2 of this conversation with Peggy Fitzsimmons, masterful guide in the game of decluttering, we shed light into:

  • releasing what isn’t aligned with who you are now
  • unhooking from distorted beliefs about money and success
  • connecting with your inherent generosity
  • putting your Soul in the driver’s seat of your life

We also explore Peggy’s list of essential questions to ask when you’re discerning what to keep, and how they’re all guiding you to the question that matters most:
Does keeping this possession, this belief, or this habit help me share my love with the world? 

Finally Peggy breaks down what it means to complete cycles of action and how to effectively “land the planes”. You’ll learn how to move what no longer serves you ALL the way out of your life.

Listen to Part 1 here:
Declutter Your Soul with Peggy Fitzsimmons, Ph.D. - Part 1

Awesome human in today’s show:

Peggy Fitzsimmons holds a Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology and has supported people in freeing themselves from emotional, mental and physical clutter for over 25 years. She incorporates holistic and mind-body modalities as well as intuitive energy work into her approach.

Peggy spent several years at the highly respected Omega institute for Holistic Studies, supporting leaders in the field of spiritual development. She then moved  on to work as a Consulting Producer for Oprah Winfrey’s Emmy Award-winning television series, "Super Soul Sunday".

Peggy doesn't do social media, but if you'd like to work with her you can reach her at:

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