Tracking Yes: A Guide to Everyday Magic - with Liz Wiltzen, PCC

Radical Wholeness and Embodied Activism with Philip Shepherd: Part 1

July 23, 2020 Liz Wiltzen and Philip Shepherd Season 1 Episode 9

Episode Summary:
The most potent activism doesn't come from the head, it comes from what the body knows and feels. It comes from some 'wrong' that your specific sensitivity feels deeply, and that’s the call. That is the world—activating you to move forward.

Show Notes:
Join us today for Part 1 of my conversation with Philip Shepherd.

Philip is an international authority on embodiment and author of New Self, New World - Recovering our Senses in the 21st Century and Radical Wholeness - The Embodied Present and the Ordinary Grace of Being. 

On today's show Philip speaks to a return to wholeness, and how activism is most effective when it's coming from a place of deep embodiment. He shares his thoughts on the intersection between embodiment and social activism and responds to these thoughtful questions from listeners:

  •  If our essential nature is wholeness then how does it happen that an entity pits itself against the whole in service of its own best interests? (15:00)

  • What does activism look like through the lens of wholeness? (23:55)

  •  Can you scale a business and stay in integrity, and if so, what does that look like? (32:15)
  •  There seems to be a movement characterizing tyranny and violence as a product of ”whiteness” - do you see this as an accurate perspective? (34:35)

  •  Ostracization and vilification of contrary points of view are common place in public discourse. How do we stay in wholeness and connection as we navigate diverse perspectives and challenging dialogues? (40:32)

  • How does one formulate personally meaningful questions as we live in a world of disinformation, divisiveness, polarization and chaos? (46:00)

Listen to Part 2 of our discussion here:
Radical Wholeness and Embodied Activism with Philip Shepherd: Part 2

Awesome humans mentioned in today’s show:

Today’s Guest: Philip Shepherd is the author of two books, Radical Wholeness and New Self, New World, and co-author of Deep Fitness, released October, 2021.

He also originated The Embodied Present Process (TEPP), which is taught in workshops, retreats and Facilitators Trainings worldwide.
Philip’s website: PhilipShepher

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