Tracking Yes: A Guide to Everyday Magic - with Liz Wiltzen, PCC

Leaving Church and Tracking God with Brian Pearson

Liz Wiltzen, PCC, CPCC and Brian Pearson Episode 32

Show Notes:
Brian Pearson is an author, musician, former Anglican priest and host of the eclectic podcast “The Mystic Cave”. Join us for a conversation about his choice to leave the institution of religion in pursuit of his deepening relationship with wonder.

It’s a courageous story of self-trust, bucking the system, tracking God and ultimately walking away from an institution which had become too small for the depth and breadth of his curiosity.

Today's Guest:
Brian Pearson is an author, musician, former Anglican priest and host of the eclectic podcast “The Mystic Cave”, where he hosts fascinating conversations that support an ongoing exploration into his relationship with mystery, mysticism and God.

Links from today’s show:
Brian Pearson Website
The Mystic Cave podcast
Brian's interview with me on The Mystic Cave
Dan Hill - Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter

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