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In the Trenches

How many times have you heard, "I built a 6 figure business in 6 months! Here is how I did it"? Are you as tired of it as we are? We are Jen & Ashely, Jen's a money coach, a wife and a mom. Ashley is a social media manager, a dog mom and a craft lover. We've both found ourselves in the world of online business but aren't 100% sure of how to do this successfully. We haven't "made it". We don't have 5 figure months or million dollar businesses. We decided it was time to share our stories with you. We see you working at your kitchen table with your kids yelling at you from the other room. We see you waking up at 5am so you can get some peace and quiet. We see you looking at the pile of dirty laundry and debating between dealing with that or finally tackling your overflowing inbox. We see you scrolling Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and wondering if the content you put out there is the "right" thing that will attract your ideal client. We are right there with you. So join us every other week as we share our not so pretty journeys towards having a successful online business.

In the Trenches

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