When God Calls with Michael McCaskill
A show about listening for God's calling and acting on his direction.
32 episodes
Older Men, Mentors, and Mentees (feat. Geoff Slagle, Loffie Jordaan)
In kicking off Season 5 of When God Calls, we start a group discussion with men in their 50s' efforts to fulfill God's plan in their lives.Today, Michael is joined by his good friends Geoff and Loffie to discuss God's plan for older men...
Season 5
Episode 1

1 Corinthians Study - Division in the Church
A Church Divided Over Leaders (1:10-17)Why were they divided?One possibility - teachers and philosophers wanted to share their “wisdom”.Another - we naturally follow other peopleGravitate to those we ...
Season 4
Episode 2

1 Corinthians Study - Background
Actual first letterWritten prior to the epistle 1 CorinthiansWritten about sexual immoralityThe letter was not taken seriouslyPaul received information about the churchFrom Chloe’s househol...
Season 4
Episode 1

Ephesians Study Chapter 6 - The Armor of God
Imitators of God! (Cont) (vs 1-9)Children obey your parentsThey are ChristiansIt’s the 5th commandmentIt is rightFathers (or parents)Don’t provoke themDon’t say one...
Season 3
Episode 9

Ephesians Study Chapter 5 - Christian Households
Imitators of God!Walk in love God’s ChildGod’s beloved childPurchased with a great priceWalk as children of lightWe are set apartWe are lightWalk ...
Season 3
Episode 8

Ephesians Study Chapter 4 - New Life
Gentiles:Know God but refuse to follow his commandsAlienated from GodCallous - have no conscience[1 Tim 4:3] living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.Gre...
Season 3
Episode 7

Ephesians Study Chapter 4 - Unity in the Body of Christ
First three chapters talk about doctrine, last three discuss our Christian responsibility.4:1 therefore - because of the doctrines that Paul covered in the first 3 chapters, we have the responsibilities in Ch...
Season 3
Episode 6

Ephesians Study Chapter 3 - Paul's second prayer for the Ephesians
First prayer was for God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation That they may know Him and the hope that is in Christ because of His resurrection and authority.Second prayer was for Spiritual s...
Season 3
Episode 5

Ephesians Study Chapter 3 - The Gospel Mystery Revealed
I today's episode, Paul reveals the mystery of the Gospel. The revelation placed the Gentiles on equal footing with the Orthodox Jews. "This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of t...
Season 3
Episode 4

Ephesians Study Chapter 2 - Gentile Reconciliation
This week we continue our study of Ephesians by seeing how Jesus reconciled the Gentiles with the Jews into one humanity and then reconciled all the people with God. These reconciliations provided unity for all believers in Jesus Christ.
Season 3
Episode 3

Ephesians Study Chapter 1 - Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians
Verses 15 - 23 Paul’s message is for everyone to have faith in Jesus Christ and with that love for everyone. Our salvation depends on it. Acts 20:21 - I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that th...
Season 3
Episode 2

Ephesians Study Chapter 1 - God's Blessings
Our Sunday school class begins our study of Ephesians. In this episode we discuss chapter 1 verses 1-14. BackgroundPaul first ministered in Ephesus in about the year 53 but didn’t remain there (Acts 18...
Season 3
Episode 1

Do the Research
We spend a lot of time researching things that could drastically change our lives. In this episode I talk about studying Jesus' life in order to truly know the God we worship.
Season 2
Episode 18

Forgiveness - Mission Possible
Do you have hurt and anger pent up inside you because of a wrong done to you or a wrong you have done to someone else? Forgiveness will begin your road to peace. In this episode I bring two true stories of forgiveness right...
Season 1
Episode 19

How About a Little Encouragement!
In this episode I talk about how we all need a little encouragement every now and then.
Season 1
Episode 18

Rory Mock - Blessed by Cancer
There are those people in life who best demonstrate how to live a Christian life in the worst of times. Rory Mock is one such person!
Season 1
Episode 17

Hush and Let God Talk
Are you so busy that you don't have time to let God speak in your life? I am struggling with this and in this episode I'll talk about what I am going to do to try and change that.
Season 1
Episode 16

Don't Leave a Hole
God created you with specific gifts and talents. Therefore, only you are capable of doing what you do like you can.
Season 1
Episode 15

What is Holding You Back
We can come up with all kinds of excuses why we don't spend time with God. In this episode I talk about the need to find time to give our problems to God so he can put our lives back together.
Season 1
Episode 14

We Can Learn A Lot From Ants
Have you ever stopped to watch ants work to fix their hill after something destroys it? It is a marvelous event where every ant uses their particular talent to assist in repairing the damage. We can learn from ants. God has ...
Season 1
Episode 13

Have a Great Day!
How many times has some told you to have a great day? Can you really have a great day without God?
Season 1
Episode 12

More Than a Friend
Real friends are with you no matter what you are going through. It took a life changing event for me to better understand that God is more than a friend to all of us.
Season 1
Episode 11

All In
Wash, Rinse, Repeat! I'm not talking about how to shampoo your hair but how to strengthen your faith and become All In for God!
Season 1
Episode 10

A Modern Day Servant of God, The Story of Tony and Matthew
As I pondered what it meant to be God's servant, I didn't have to look very far to find my example. In this episode, I describe the relationship between two men who work at my office building. In them, I find the definition of God's...
Season 1
Episode 9

Humble Service - a conversation with Tom Derzypolski
In this episode I talk to Tom Derzypolski about opportunities he has had to serve our country and the people in it. Tom also talks about his love for his God and his family and how his childhood shaped the man he has become.
Season 1
Episode 8