Thrive in Life & Business

120: The difference between not having enough and desiring more

Tara Punter Coaching

There is a wildly different energy and intention between there not being enough and desiring more. In this episode, I explore all, as well as how you can shift your energy, get yourself into a place to manifest epicness and the importance of recognising which energetic frequency you're in.

Plus if you're ready to take control of your beliefs around money and energetic frequency once and for all, then I invite you to join The Paradigm of Prosperity, my brand new 6 week money mindset group programme. It's full of tools, teachings and techniques and backed by 3.5 years of doing this work, as well as science and physics!

It's available for a debut launch investment of just £555, until doors close on Monday 30th May. We start the programme on Wednesday 1st June 2022.

Check out the programme here -

If you have any questions, DM me on Instagram here -

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Or sign yourself right up here -
Sign me up!

But act fast, doors close on Monday 30th May!