Thrive in Life & Business

67: Comparison and competition fear - the 2 things likely holding you back from success

• Episode 67

There are 2 main things I see that cripple women in business. Comparison and competition fear. 🤯 

I wanted to discuss them both as I hear them an equal amount from clients and followers and their presence always comes from the same place, fear and lack.

The thing is this, you have control over your thoughts and how you spend your time. If you spend it comparing yourself to others or worrying too much about what your competition are up to, it'll keep you stuck there.

Instead, try to focus on your own goals, mission, purpose and self-improvement. The more you can do that, the less you think about or worry about others.

In this episode, I discuss;

- how comparison and competition fear can paralyse your progress

- stepping into your power and focusing on yourself

- how to take control of that fear

- how to improve your self-belief and self-confidence.

I'd love to know your thoughts, make sure you take a screenshot and tag me @tarapuntercoaching on social media! 

Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod