Agency Growth Machine

Are you Reaching Your Full Potential?

Randy Schwantz Season 1

I want to give all the recognition I can to Robin Sharma for his book, The 5 AM Club. It impacted me so much I sent a copy to 3 of my kids and attended his Personal Mastery Academy. 

Have you ever felt like you're not reaching your potential?

Imagine if you were able to resist all the temptations that distract you from your goals. All the things that you don't need or rely on, but give your time and attention to. It could be social media, your phone, Netflix...

What if you were able to get excited about spending more time and focus on what you'll create and do instead of what you're afraid you'll miss out on? 

Potential has to be developed, its something that's there, but it needs to be trained and practiced. It takes courage to step into change. You will need courage to exploit your potential.