Best Of Sales Skills Podcast

Social Selling Tactics: Tom Boston.

Mark McInnes/Tom Boston Season 2 Episode 54

Tom Boston is our guest today; he has just been promoted to the role of ‘Social Sales Evangelist’ for Salesloft. He is a truly funny guy as well as a switched-on and proven sales professional.
You’ve probably seen Tom’s antics on LinkedIn, he has a way of creating cool video content that is both educational as well as engaging and hilarious.

In this episode, we talk about Tom's recent move into training salespeople on social after several successful years as a high-performing SDR.
We get a breakdown of some of the numbers he was able to achieve and just how many of his appointments did his video content created for him.
Of course, he also shares some super ideas about what sellers should be doing right now to stand out from the crowd and there are some similar themes but with a twist.
One of them was quite different and that was, be honest and upfront with people that you're trying to sell them something.
Toms tips include:
Personalization beyond the standard
Use video inside your prospecting
Be real in your sales interactions
Check out Twitter for conversation starters
Slow down your ask - to speed up the result.

Tom Boston:


Mark McInnes

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Mark Mcinnes:

Welcome to the BOSS podcast Today is a very very big episode Indeed Today we have no other than Mr Tom Boston from Salesforce soft on the shark Tom Thanks for coming on

Tom Boston:

Great to great to be on I'm glad we found some time to connect We've been speaking for a while right on the on LinkedIn

Mark Mcinnes:

Yeah well you're hard to ignore on LinkedIn Tom you're you're everywhere Well at least you're always in my food for those people who might've been living under a rock Tom is absolutely hilarious and he makes these great little sales comedy comedy video clips I'm not even sure if that's the right description but you know on top of that you're a genuine sales professional renowned social sale and a very very funny lad you know they are by far one of the highest quality pieces of content that I think you see on LinkedIn And when I say quality I don't mean production quality I mean like just valuable learning content that make you laugh And there's not a lot of that Right So well done on that And as I was saying in the in the lead up I've been very guilty of using your gatekeeper training video to train my salespeople on on gatekeepers strategies

Tom Boston:

Yeah I often I often get maybe 10 or 15 Australians who will will add me at the same time on LinkedIn and say we we're we just we've just spoken to mark and he played me on video So thank you so much for flying the the SalesLoft flag and the Tom boss flag on the other side of the world It's it's it's pretty

Mark Mcinnes:

well well-deserved man I mean I certainly wouldn't be promoting you if the if it was rubbish So but speaking of promotions and promoting tell him we've got you've got news happening So you're currently the social sales

Tom Boston:

Yeah Yeah So the the the new role Is called social sales evangelist And I do get a lot of people saying ah that sounds that sounds great Well what do you do right Which is Yeah which is understandable And so for those who don't know I've I've just been in an SDR role at sales loft So kind of lead gen outbound sales for for about two years And as we've already touched on During that time I started to create some content and really start to build my personal brand on on like 10 and sales loft where we're very kind in working with me to create a role to to really accelerate that So the the role in a nutshell is I'm going to be continuing to create content and there's lots of exciting projects to come So if you've not followed me On LinkedIn This is the time because of some really great things in the pipeline And I'm also going to be delivering workshops to SalesLoft customers on things like social selling working with our sales loft team internally as well who want to build their personal brand too to have some internal influences which I'm really excited about And I'm also going to be helping out with the sales loft social channels which is a little bit new for me But again yeah Something I'm really interested in So it's a it's kind of the perfect role And I I feel very I'm very honored that they've created that for me and really excited to see where I can take it in the in the future I'm about about three weeks in So yeah I'm just kind of ramping up to at the moment

Mark Mcinnes:

But that's that's really exciting So you've it sounds like you've got more of a training role now than what you had before So before obviously you're very customer focused when you're trying to set meetings as an SDR That's that's that's that's fantastic to say And I think it's very

Tom Boston:

Well I think I think what happened was I was kind of doing the trade During my SDR time at anyway Right So I would I would have these discovery calls with with my prospects and we talked about SalesLoft course We did book the demo Of course I did my it's my role Right But we'd also they'd also want to know about LinkedIn or they want to know about the content or they want to know about well how many inbounds are you getting and how did you start and how can my team so It was kind of a conversation I was having on a weekly basis anyway So we kind of looked at that and thought well that's really really important to the sales organizations across the world in in 2021 Right And this new world of digital selling social personal brand it's going to be right at the heart of like of what they're interested in So so yeah like why not why not kind of delve into that and and work with them to help build that So yeah it's it's gonna be a lot

Mark Mcinnes:

Yep Okay So makes perfect sense of course you had a history with HubSpot as well didn't you So you've got a bit of a S you know it's not like you've just a social blowing You've been active for some time I imagine Is that right

Tom Boston:


Mark Mcinnes:

HootSweet what did I say of somebody else HubSpot beg your

Tom Boston:

Yeah So I was I was at HootSweet for for yeah Nearly nearly two years so yeah I've I've kind of been in the world of social media for for awhile If you like

Mark Mcinnes:

Yeah Okay That's my that's great tonight So I want to know the answers to those questions that as well like do ham at Timberland Did you get like how much did it help you Like I mean they're entertaining you're getting enormous amounts of views and locks and you know you could probably know the numbers Maybe you can share some of those in case but yeah Don't know And and where are you getting your mail Like did it work for you Please talk us

Tom Boston:

Yeah I mean not not at the beginning you know to be to be completely honest with you you know it was it was a bit of a it was a bit of a shaky start and I kind of had to find my feet a little bit I think one thing I was really conscious of doing was was not asking people To to book some time in my calendar as part of that content Right So it was almost like I felt like I maybe was doing myself a disservice like I'm putting this effort into making a a piece of content and I'm doing a 40 video but there's no like there's no at the end that says and if you enjoyed that why don't you buy sales loft You know And because I was kind of like well if if there's not that if there's not that at the end then what What is the point right Because I was really thinking well I need to get some some results from this really quickly I need to be able to say to my manager well well actually this video got got me to meetings and this video got me three meetings but it I realized that look Pete you know people in sales If anything they they they're more switched on than than the rest Right They can they can smell it a mile off and people know when they're being sold So right It's it's really obvious So I was like okay let's actually Just put entertainment at the at the beginning and let's make sure that box is ticked straight away So that that's something I do with all of my videos I think what I want Would it make me smile or would it maybe make me laugh Would it make me what do you want me to engage So I try and get that right before anything else And then on a layer underneath I try and go well can I add some value about SalesLoft Can I maybe educate the region about sales engagement or maybe can I promote an event or something like that And Yeah I don't kind of put a call to action Right And I think that was really important And that's a kind of piece of advice I would give to a lot of reps is don't worry too much about trying to get people to come to you because if you if you're consistent in what you do eventually and I do use that word properly eventually you you will start to see those leads kind of trickle through

Mark Mcinnes:

Yeah it's it's interesting Like I spent a lot of the last year and a half telling people to slow down to speed up the process you know like so stop running to the ask you know and just letting the relationship or the communication go through it's three or four or five steps And at the end the ask will be much easier or much more obvious and it won't feel like it's being you know you're not trying to manipulate or trick somebody into taking a meeting or having a conversation because it just becomes the obvious next step and I think that's exactly what you're saying So that's that's that's great to hear would be surprised if at least some there was someone there in SalesLoft or in the back of your mind saying I've got to put a call to action on this You know I've got to put something in here so And see that I'm trying to earn my wage Yeah It must've been very very tempting So your you did a pretty good job to

Tom Boston:

Yeah I think I think that again people can people can see see right through it Right But I think that like actually building a brand and making your prospects familiar with who you are was how I kind of saw my success because I think what people kind of maybe don't realize is I was I was really actively using a prospect in multi-channel approach or My prospects whilst kind of building building the brand And I feel like a lot of a lot of the time people would connect the dots and be like oh yeah I think I think I recognize your voice I recognized your name Or maybe I did see a video of your six months ago and then you left me a voicemail and I've had an email from you And it's kind of that thing of yeah Trying to Trying to not be a stranger because I used to when I used to cold call people in a role years ago and it was literally their number and their name and the first thing they would hear from me is hello am I saw them You know they don't have a clue who I am I'm trying to sell them you know whatever it was they got gas or electricity when you know back back in the day And I used to hate that they used to be the worst part of My day So then I you know as I moved on in my career and especially with sales lots of thought wouldn't it be great to get to a stage where actually by the time I got on the phone to someone there may be aware of me it might've made they seen some of the content or they've definitely seen some of the prospects in that I've done which is personalized throughout and make them more likely To kind of have that conversation with me And and yeah it worked right I remember bringing up some people you know and they would be like yeah I I know who you are You know like let's have a conversation which I thought well this is great This is this is the way to do it Right It's almost you know almost like crap Cracked cold Colin because you've kind of turned it into a warm a warm phone call because they've seen some of your activity and don't get me wrong Still Plenty of people that I call say I don't have a clue who you are never seen anything you've ever done Please never call me again So that's where that sales

Mark Mcinnes:

Yeah That's that's exactly right So so but that's the familiarity bias that you're talking about there Right So the more I see you the more and I see you in a non-threatening way Okay Then eventually I'm going to like you and I'm going to take that phone call or I'm going to have that conversation And even if it's a no the no is going to be so much softer it's going to be Tom Love it Love that You've been talking to me for six months What was that video you put out this morning There was something something it takes two Was it now

Tom Boston:

This was this was me my I'm into Simply read which w which was yeah when you've been prospecting Yeah You've

Mark Mcinnes:

if you don't know me by now

Tom Boston:

and they and they still don't know who you are And it was me doing Yeah If you don't know me by now you will never ever know me

Mark Mcinnes:

No but but but I mean the the the underlying point there is you know if you're a Mo you know multiple channels and the content is engaging then there's a higher chance that you're going to be familiar and much more likely for people to engage with you in a positive way So you know it's it's it's it's it's a great sales play It really is So I just want to jump back to the some of those can you run some of the share some of the stats like the views the LARCs and the you know the the meetings that you I'm assuming that you did get meetings from all of that content

Tom Boston:

Yeah I mean it's it's something people always want to know Right Especially in sales like you know how what the metrics What what what are the numbers And I would love to be able to jump onto these and be like well if you do if you do a video a week for two years you'll make this much money eh or your book this many meetings but it's it's kinda it's kinda tough for me to do that I think that The engagement on Some of the videos has been has been has been really high And and again I'm I'm always kind of blown away by that I've got videos that have done you know a hundred thousand views and I'm kind of sat there thinking well I'm I'm filming them here In my dining room you know I'm having I'm having fun kind of writing these comedy scripts and I'm getting that a really high engagement and they're being seen by you know people or people around the world and it kind of yeah it still blows my mind to this day Right So like that that side of things is fantastic but the the best the best part of doing it for me was when I would just get a DM from someone that would say Hey Tom we're At SalesLoft can we can we have a conversation Right So it's kind of like that they've chosen to speak to me first rather than to maybe yeah Book a demo through the website or whatever that they'd kind of wanted to engage with me And yeah I did have a steady stream of those coming through I think towards the end of my SDR role I would probably attribute about 30% of my meetings towards inbound leads on on LinkedIn

Mark Mcinnes:

That's a great Shay Tell them that's fantastic And congratulations So I've got to ask and there probably won't be a amazing answer How do you come up with these crazy

Tom Boston:

Yeah that's it's it's a tough one you know So so sometimes it's the ideas They just they just come to me in a you know in a moment of inspiration You know how can I not how could I not film this this video And there's other times where I'm sat there going what on earth am I doing this week You know it's a it's it's it's a tough one but I think where I where I kind of where I'm quite lucky is I've I've been in I've been in B2B sales for five years and I've I've kind of like almost almost seen it All right I've had like every response I've I've been through every scenario I've been through all the training I kind of can can really draw on my experience and then bring that bring that to life Right Because I think the best kind of content for me anyway and this works for me is when I put something out there and people in sales watch it and go oh a hundred percent You know that is I spot on I've had that conversation with my manager I've had that conversation with a prospect We we've literally done this done the sketch in real life as part of the discovery And and it just resonates and like hits home So yeah I I I draw on my personal experience of what it's been like for me in sales but then things will things will happen to me right In like real time And I'll I'll make a note of them So we you know we're living in a remote world at the moment And we I was on a call and one of the team at SalesLoft we're constantly going when are we when are we going back to the office You know when when are we when he would return it When when are we going back to the office I I miss the office and I just kind of wrote it down I thought well There's a video of that right So it's the guy who who just he's desperate to return to the office And then I did a video on him kind of creating an office environment and at home So I could do it doing a fake commute around around the kitchen and all that kind of stuff Right And so yeah I'll I'll just draw it on my purse my own experience but then things that like happen to me as I'm as I'm going

Mark Mcinnes:

So we're still gonna say videos now that you're in your new role or you're not going to stop doing

Tom Boston:

Well the great the great thing is you know what we're all we're all really in sales even if you're part of the marketing team you know you're we've all got kind of one common goal which is to which is to build brand awareness and you know let people know You know fo froze the amazing sales loft you know the platform that we've that we've got to offer and I'm going to be working so closely with the sales teams here at sales loft and the sales teams of our customers that I'm sure I'll still have those moments of inspiration so yeah I've not I've not quite run out of ideas yet and I'm sure this this new role will if anything bring up bring up much more content

Mark Mcinnes:

Okay I'm looking forward to it So here we try and help a few

Tom Boston:

Yeah that sounds good to

Mark Mcinnes:

What do you think Yeah So what do you think you know the top two or three things that you know if we're an STR or an AA or we call them BDMs have your business development managers over here in AIPAC BDM STR you know if you're if you're out there trying to set meetings what are some of the things that we a couple of the things that we should be trying to do man what's your top

Tom Boston:

Well what what always worked for me was was personalization right at that right at the heart of the prospecting but that was really targeted towards their their persona and and really focused on like what their interests were So a lot of a lot of sales reps and I did this in the past would try to learn as much as they possibly can The company and then approach a prospect almost as an expert Right So if it was so if there's someone prospect to me they'd be like I know this about sales loft I know that about sales loft I can tell you X Y Z and really you're never gonna get to know as much about someone's organization As they do Right So I kind of dropped dropped that and thought well I'm I'm not going to kind of pretend to be an expert in that industry or on or on their organization because you know what I'm not they know they know that stretch straight away So there's no point me trying to trying to pretend but what I do is I'd go well what I can do It's maybe try to connect with them on a human level So I jump on their social media and I try and find something that we had a common interest in Twitter is really good for that I remember a lot of the prospects and I did was just based on the bio of someone's Twitter Yeah Because it told me five things about them I could see who they were following what they tweeted recently And I would just go well here we go You know I can make them a 30 62nd video which is going to which is going to really resonate with them because I'm being told so much about them just from their social media presence And even if I didn't know So like say let's let's say someone's Twitter is all about I don't know a thing about golf but I can reference that when I'm when I'm prospecting them Right I can make them aware that I've never swung a golf club in my in my life But again it just it just kind of I I think it lets people's it lets people's guard down a little bit and it just lets them let them know Look there's a real person trying to get hold of me rather than here's a sales rep trying to blog that he knows Yeah well you know annual revenue is what our targets are for for next year Because again that's the same tune that everyone is playing right So for me I try to be different and that's something I would I would I would really advocate for for sales reps right To be different than to stand down

Mark Mcinnes:

So personalization to the person not by the by persona not by the company but actually looked at one step deeper So look

Tom Boston:

Yeah I think people like compliment right And that never really goes never really goes away and you can compliment someone's someone's company and you know you can you can look like you're an expert and you can say nice things but you know what what better way to kind of make someone smile or to think well this guy might be worth the time Then go ahead I just saw what you tweeted three days ago I absolutely love that I was doing the same thing or like I've got a connection you know it just it just opens it just opens that off and it doesn't work for everyone but I found personally that it worked it worked for the majority right Because again people people like compliments people like to talk to people and people like to talk about things they're interested in Right And and and socially is where you where you talk about that

Mark Mcinnes:

It's funny you should say Toyota big because in the last 12 months I've I've reactivated myself I mean I didn't close my account but you know and so many times we hear people saying oh I saw you post this on LinkedIn as the opening of their outreach Right But as soon as you mentioned Twitter it's almost like a company It's you know it's literally the same lawn Right But it's like Twitter like no one's saying Twitter Right So just like Hey I was I was on I happened to be on Twitter and I noticed this therefore that and you're like oh okay So you've been to Twitter not just LinkedIn even just that can be enough of a pattern interrupt for people to go What he hasn't said LinkedIn or

Tom Boston:

And people are much more likely to post a picture of what they did at the weekend on Twitter than they are on LinkedIn So you can really get an idea I don't understand it The flight who they are as a person And yeah I I think I think sales reps should start with just start doing that straight away

Mark Mcinnes:

Love it Okay So another another plug for Twitter I'll tell you what we're going to have everybody off LinkedIn and onto Twitter by the way this podcast is going Right I'll tell you what okay What else have you what's your

Tom Boston:

Well video for me a say is crucial right Not not only the video content that I'm putting out online but my my video prospecting it's not something I've done a lot of before I joined SalesLoft I'd kind of I'd kind of tried it the other organizations It was one of those things If someone sent us a video a company I was working for my manager without any training said start doing it Today you know I know it was kinda like okay okay And obviously that that that didn't work But at SalesLoft we had some fantastic training around what does good video prospecting look like and how do we stand out Do we actually I don't try to sell in that video I just I just tried to add somebody

Mark Mcinnes:

Hi hang on Tom You just broke up there My bridge lost you completely

Tom Boston:

Oh is that right Do we need to go back

Mark Mcinnes:

Yeah Yeah So could you maybe if you can just start with number two tip So you did the gag about You know that didn't work which we started prospecting and you know the boss said try video and that didn't work And then we we froze

Tom Boston:

Let me try and close I'll just close a few tops tops down here

Mark Mcinnes:

No problem I think the only problem with this is we can't turn the I don't think we can turn the video off If it does it again we can stop turn the video off and just go audio but let's keep

Tom Boston:

So so yeah my my manager would I told me look you need to you need to start doing video Let's let's start doing that today And and that that obviously Did it work but at SalesLoft we had some great training around what does good video prospecting look like and how do we stand out from the crowd in our prospect's inbox And I really had a lot of fun making those personalized maybe yes 30 to 62nd videos and which which gave them a little snapshot into who who I am and why they Take a meeting with me I I really enjoyed doing those And again it's it's something that's really worked for me as part of my multi-channel approach videos right at the heart of it And it's something that I yeah I lean into a lot because I I just I just enjoy I just enjoy that part of the role

Mark Mcinnes:

I would just out of interest with the video piece do you send that early or mid like did you send that as your first outright or like second third fifth 29

Tom Boston:


Mark Mcinnes:

you know I'm talking about the 29th people Don't say it don't send 29 emails to your clients Don't do that

Tom Boston:

So yeah the the the video so prospecting email that my prospect used to get from me was the was the second step of my cadence So the very first thing I would do is I'd reach out to them on LinkedIn And I tell them they're going to get a video email from me and to look out for it And then they would get that as a followup That kind of same day I would be honest with them when I connected on LinkedIn that I was going to set try and sell to them Because again there's nothing worse than Hey let's just let's just connect You know we've got we've got mutual friends I just want to connect And then when you do connect and now and now let's yeah this is the selling part Whereas whereas I would just I'm I'm sending you a video this afternoon right I and I'd also tell them that I make kind of weekly content let's connect look out for the video and then they would get that video email that very same day So yeah it was it was step step two of my of my cadence

Mark Mcinnes:

Okay that that's good tonight obviously video has been really strong for you and I and I think it works really well for you That's unfair That's actually just lost its little Sean in the last six months or so And I don't know whether that's because more people are doing it or whether my theory is that people become more security conscious with lots of people working from home So the firewalls are set higher or lower I'm not sure what that Know anyway it's hard to get those types of files and minks through and therefore the engagement rates gone down Is that something that you've

Tom Boston:

I think I would agree with you that I think especially in in the EMEA region probably when I started at SalesLoft two years ago you could book a meet in just off the novelty of the fact that you'd send someone a video Right it's kind of like wow I I've never I've never seen this in my inbox before this looks great you know just based on that solely less let's have a conversation Now we've kind of caught up a little bit and we're seeing that kind of more and more which again if anything and it's great it's great for us here at sales loft because that's exactly what we do It kind of it kind of shows how how important a multi-channel approach Is right because you can't just rely on on video emails You need to combine that with with coal with social you know to have that kind of pronged approach to to kind of do it doing so so yeah I would agree with you that market I think that like the kind of novelty has worn off a little bit and now it's more like How do I start to think about what I'm actually saying in the video rather than I've made you a 32nd video and I've put your put your name on the screen So now let's that's kind of worth worth your time right You actually have to go well I still need to add value I still only should have personalized and I need to speak to them Right because not everyone checks their not everyone checks in emails And as you've touched on firewalls you know late broken links all these kinds of stuff and you actually need to to kind of combine that and use that multi channel to be successful

Mark Mcinnes:

Yep Yep Completely agree So I'm a big omnichannel fan Tom So so what about have you got one more tip up your sleeve for for our lucky

Tom Boston:

Yeah I mean three three is the magic number you've always got You always got to give them 3, 3, 3 tips right I would say and again you you you kind of need you need to be kind of confident in what you're doing I think to to pull this off but my tip would be complete Openness and honesty with your prospects when you're when you're selling because You you don't realize how much people respect respect that I think there's there's a lot of people who kind of have been in sales for many years and there's that kind of connotation or or reputation for the say we'd like you know salespeople are like slimy and they like they're just trying to get your money and you know they just want to sell you something on like fleet Right And you know I've I've seen that in the in the past in my career And I and I I've had like toxic environments where it's like that as well But I think if you're at a place where you're going look I genuinely believe in like what I'm selling And I and I know that it adds value to to maybe myself or my clients And I actually want to just kind of spread the word of that and speak to as many people about how and why Just to be open and honest when you're reaching out to people and saying look yeah I'm a salesperson trying to sell something to you This is how much it costs This is why it works for me Can we can we have a conversation Right You know rather than that kind of idea of skirting around I think a lot of people try to skirt round the sale Of of the kind of prospecting you know so maybe they'll kind of try and disguise it with a with a white paper Maybe they'll you know they'll send they'll send something else and they'll also maybe do you want to buy right But I think like just honestly honesty and direct a direct approach is something that I know has worked for me And again I didn't have the confidence to do that In my in my career but I've found that as I've moved on and I've kind of yeah I don't know I don't know about older and wiser but maybe older is longer in the tooth I don't know Maybe just trying to cut out Yeah Cut out the kind of the the bit where you kind of have those conversations that they'll go anyway And I just kind of go well I'm just going to be straight to the point and I'm just gonna be like yeah I mean sales I'm trying to You know let's let's see if we can find find some common ground and talk that through And so yeah Honesty is the best policy that I don't know Is that a tip mark I don't know if that's a chip

Mark Mcinnes:

Well I'll tell you what I absolutely love it and I think this is where a lot of people a lot of salespeople really start to go wrong If you think about the scripts and the emails that people write They can try It comes across Like I'm trying to trick Tom into taking a meeting Like I'm trying to you know how can I present myself in a way that I'm not selling something when clearly you are And that's where I think people find it really difficult and challenging you know because they've breaking the levels of authenticity They're not being authentic you know So so how can I and when you start to be somebody that you're not guess what you start to file because it's a lot harder than when displaying the person you really are So I don't know that anyone said it the way that you've set up before Trump I think that's really interesting That's a great one I really like it So normally at this juncture Tom I would say sorry Tom would you like to connect with some Australian and AIPAC SaaS people and how would they like to do that but I'm guessing you're going to say LinkedIn and it's too late because you've already sent most of your clients to me

Tom Boston:

Yeah If there's anyone left in Australia that you that you've not shown my videos till and they and they would like to and they would like to see more And if if you if you search Tom boss on LinkedIn there's not a lot of bold and ginger beer blogs on there eh called Tom Boston's So yeah I should be quite easy to find And but yeah you know give me a follow because there's this is a great content to come and as you'll see I'm having a lot of forums on that platform at the moment

Mark Mcinnes:

This is true It's it's hard not to smile and laugh when you watch some of Tom Boston's content which is not something that you can say about a lot of people's content So Tom I really appreciate you coming on the podcast You know I'm very grateful Please keep putting out that great content because I love it And you know all my clients love it And I think you're making a really big valuable difference to lots and lots of people So please keep doing that and congratulations to SalesLoft for having the brains to to give you the position that they have My thanks

Tom Boston:

Thanks so much for having me Thanks for your hardwoods It's been it's been it's been a hoot Thank you so much