The Selling Podcast


Season 3 Episode 31

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Barbara Kay is not only extensively trained in clinical psychology, but she is a great coach as well! Her website has several great tools and tips. Check out her website: and see what she is doing. 

When you walk into a situation where you are going to sell and you are anxious, people will sense that and it will cause discomfort for the listener. Your emotional energy comes across and if you are calm will signal to the other person that you are a friend. 

There are two tips to try:

1. How do you want people to feel after your interaction with them? 

This usually helps the conversation move toward the focus of the person we are speaking with and not having the conversation based around us.

2. Deep breathing will help you gain energy and come across as calm and relaxed. This is the fastest way to reset yourself.

Fluency - People are attracted to things because they look, seem, or feel good. Not that it is actually good but because it feels good. Lecturing overwhelms the buyer with too much information and will be rejected by the buyer because it can't be absorbed easily. Don't let your buyers turn you away just on principle due to information overload.

Use questions that start with:

  • What
  • How
  • When

But mostly leave out 'Why' questions

The article that we tried to get to but were sidetracked is here:
Handling Difficult Conversations with Customers

Please join our conversation by reaching out to us:

Scott Schlofman
Mike Williams - Cell 801-635-7773

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