Resiliency Theory
Have you ever wondered if there is a resiliency quotient? Are resiliency and values directly correlated and do they impact each other? In the wake of challenge and adversity, does resiliency give us the strength to show up as our best self? How do we revisit our values and check-in with them? Join me as I meet with different friends, peers and leaders and we discuss their values, resiliency, and leadership. Over the course of many conversations, I hope to answer my burning question of whether there is a set of values that make one person more resilient than another and can they be taught.
Resiliency Theory
Episode 14: Welcome Lisa Cilento
During episode fourteen, I interviewed my friend Lisa Cilento, who does Business Development in Clinical Research about values, resiliency, and her journey surviving cancer. She defines her values as having a strong work ethic, an adventurous spirit, and loyalty. Lisa was raw and vulnerable during our conversation graciously sharing her story. She is a true inspiration positively living with cancer and choosing to "suffer well". During our conversation, she suggested to be resilient one must let go. That comment has resonated with me insomuch I've added it to my own definition of resiliency.
Join in on the conversation: Why is letting go so critical to building the resiliency muscle
Listen. Follow. Enjoy. #resiliency #resiliencytheory #values #quotient #leadership #journey