Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Joe Bogdan

Mike H. Bassett

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Growing up in the desert, you get used to wild swings in temperature.
But if you've kept up with the Texas forecast recently, then you'll know what I mean when I say things don't even make sense anymore.

Or as one solid meme I saw simply put it: Go Home Weather - You're Drunk.

But if there's a silver-lining, it's that I'm reminded of the little things - I have a roof over my head, warm food on the table, and when it really comes down to it, I'm blessed to be as comfortable as I am in the times we live in.

 This week's episode, however, is all about getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

My guest this week is CMSgt Joe Bogdan, Chief Enlisted Manager for almost 600 military and civilian engineers at Osan Air Base in the Republic of Korea.  

Joe has earned degrees in Social Sciences and Homeland Security during his time in the Air Force. Then, in 2017, he earned a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Brandman University and currently as an adjunct professor at both his alma mater and The University of Massachusetts. 

And if all of this wasn’t enough, Joe is a Co-Founder of Llama Leadership, a consulting, educational, and mentoring service which also produces the fantastic podcast, The Llama Lounge

Joe and I discuss the necessity of failure, why 'doing what you love' doesn't mean you won't have hard days, and the importance of emotional intelligence in a chaotic world. 

Enjoy the show!