Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Sarah Andrus

Mike H. Bassett

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If you hadn’t noticed by now, this is an employee’s economy. 

Over the past year there have been, on average, two job openings for every one unemployed person. 

And though it’s still not enough to keep up with inflation, since the beginning of the pandemic, workers have seen wage-growth go from 3.2% in 2020 to 6.7% in 2022. 

Now, as leaders, it’s not only our job to seek out the best talent but also to train and retain it. 

In a sense, it’s become just as important for the employer to convince the employee that they are the “right fit.” 

And while it may seem like an uncomfortable shift in the power-dynamic for employers, as this week’s conversation will show, I welcome it. 

 Sarah Andrus, is the founder and CEO of Avarah Careers, a career coaching business. She’s worked on all sides of the hiring equation, as a recruiter, hiring manager, and a career counselor, serving in the corporate world, non-profits, and academia. When it comes to the hiring process and how it works from the inside, she’s seen it all. You can check out her two TEDx talks ( 1 | 2 ) as well.

In addition to leading Avarah Careers, she currently teaches as an adjunct professor and serves as the Assistant Director of Career Services at the University of Delaware, coaching MBA students and alumni. When she’s not working, she enjoys reading, writing, good food and wine, running through Delaware’s beautiful parks, and hanging with the people she loves the most.

We talk about what leaders can be asking themselves during the hiring process and what potential employees can do to optimize themselves and their chances at getting the job they want. 

Enjoy the show!